Movie Night

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After a long week working at the Krusty Krab, it was finally the weekend. For Squidward, the weekend was the time to escape the harsh environment of the Krusty Krab. Working at the cash register was a horrid job. Orders that could last 10 minutes because of low lives not planning their order, the irritating ka-ching of the cash register...

and him.

No matter the time of day, the day of the week, or the month of the year, SpongeBob was always there to ruin Squidward's peace. He could never escape the annoying squeaking of his shoes, his cute little giggle, those sparkly beautiful eyes-
Squiddy what are you doing?! Don't fantasize over that idiot. Tonight is your night to relax he thought as he poured a cup of tea he brewed minutes before.

Squidward went to the living room and sat on the couch, relaxing against the back cushions. With the tea in his hands he grabbed the remote to turn on his favorite show, Fab and Fancy. Usually it would air before 5 am, but a special all about jewel-encrusted mittens was on at 8, which Squidward was very intrigued to watch. He needed something elegant to wear in the winter months. "Oh how sophisticated" he said as a lavish pair of jewel-encrusted mittens were shown. He took a sip of his tea and sighed, sinking into the couch with his mouth widening into a smile. "What could be better than this?".

While daydreaming about displaying his stylish physique with jewel-encrusted mittens, there was a knock at the door. Squidward sighed and rolled his eyes "there goes my peace" he grumbled, irritated that he was interrupted from his favorite show.

He got up from the couch and approached the door, turning the handle and opening it. "Hi Squidward!" exclaimed a cheerful voice. Squidward looked down and saw his little nightmare of a neighbor, SpongeBob. SpongeBob was wearing his PJs and looking up at him with sparkling ocean eyes. Lost in the starry sea, Squidward wasn't paying attention to what SpongeBob was saying. All he could see were sapphires " night?". Squidward shook his head and snapped back to reality. "What did you say?" he asked nervously, hoping SpongeBob didn't notice his wandering eyes. SpongeBob giggled "I asked if you wanted to have a movie night!" Squidward crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "SpongeBob, can't you see that I'm busy?". "How can you be busy? You're talking to me right now silly!" Squidward put his hand over his face. "That's not what I meant" he sighed. "Now can you please leave me alone, the jewel-encrusted mittens are waiting for me." SpongeBob made a pouty face and put his hands behind his back, rubbing his slipper against the ground. "Pwease Squidward, jwust fwor twonight?" he whimpered up at him. Squidward blushed at the sight of SpongeBob's pleads and quickly turned away oh no he's making that face again, the one thing I can't resist. He turned back to SpongeBob, attempting to mask his emotions with a straight face "fine, but you're leaving right after". SpongeBob squealed in excitement and he jumped onto Squidward's chest, hugging him tightly with his legs wrapped around his back. "Oh thank you Squiddy! We're gonna have so much fun!" he said cheerfully as he dug his cheek into Squidward's chest. Squidward froze in shock, his face redder than a tomato why are you freaking out so much?! He always hugs you! "W-whatever, now get off of me."

SpongeBob let go of Squidward and ran into the house, immediately flopping onto the couch. Too excited to sit still, he bounced on the cushions until the TV caught his attention. "Hey Squidward you're right about those jewel-encrusted mittens, they sure look sophisticated!" he shouted, Squidward still at the door in shock from the encounter. It was just a hug Squiddy. Just a simple hug, that's all it was he thought while walking over to SpongeBob. He sat next to him, but not too close. "What movie are we watching?" he asked, avoiding eye contact. SpongeBob smiled at him "there's a new Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy movie, I was hoping to watch it with you". Squidward looked at him and tilted his head, confused. "Why aren't you watching it with Patrick? Doesn't he enjoy Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy too?". SpongeBob giggled "don't worry, I'll watch it with him tomorrow. I just wanted to watch it the first time with you" he explained. "Oh, so I'm your test subject?" SpongeBob giggled "no silly, I'm not Sandy! Oh speaking of Sandy, she made this new invention and it's so cool! It has arms and- oh! It has lasers! I'm not sure why it has lasers but I'm thinking it's because- " Squidward rolled his eyes while SpongeBob babbled I can't wait until this is over. He grabbed the remote and searched up the movie "do you need anything before I start it or are you gonna keep wasting time?" SpongeBob finished babbling and smiled up at Squidward, then booped his nose with his finger "I only need my best friend Squidward". Squidward blushed and quickly turned away, hitting play on the movie to avoid attention on him.

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