Vent area 1: my hate for Radiodust

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(Like all vents, it gets angrier over time)
So, while I was searching for Radiomoth (Alastor X Vaggie) fanfics, I came across MANY Radiodust shipfics. Yes I know it's pretty popular, but I wasn't introduced to Hazbin the way I assume most people were. I wasn't told by a friend, and I didn't watch the Addict music video, but I was introduced by Insane. It was played in the Amazon Moosac Soundtrack , and I loved it instantly. I played it all night on repeat. And I STILL loved it. But this isn't what this part is about. Ok, fist of all, Angel Dust is named after a drug, he's a *cough cough* you know what, and the other you know what thing AS WELL. he also makes sexual advances and harassment straight up, even though Alastor makes it clear he has none of it! Alastor is ASEXUAL. Practically ANY other ship makes more sense, other than with Valentino, and some people ship it because it's FRIGGIN ADORABLE, and there's room for it, as Val hasn't been introduced much. My personal faves are Vaggastor and Radioapple, but no, I'm not biased! I think into things deeply. Yes, Radiodust could be cute. However, it doesn't make sense, and I've never felt any fondness towards it. People, please heed my warning, and think deeply into a ship before shipping it! I learned that the hard way through my Charlastor craze. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the next rant!

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