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"Kendall!" Kaitlyn yelled as she slid her way into the basement, "Where are you?" She made her way towards the middle of the room, slightly irritated that she couldn't find her older sister. The girl groaned in annoyance, but soon stopped after hearing the clicking of heels echo throughout the cave like structure.

"Kendall, is that you?" Kaitlyn asked in fear, grabbing the closes object within her reach, which so happened to be a glass beaker. "This isn't funny Kendall." From one of the hallways in the cave, a shadow crept forward, and as the shadow crept forward the more frightened the girl had become.

Kaitlyn stood with her back against the wall, and beaker firmly in her hand. She took three deep breaths, ready to attack the intruder. As Kaitlyn saw the shadow creep closer to the entrance of the hallway, she lifted her left arm up ready to attack.

She saw the foot of the intruder in her eyesight and launched her left arm at the person. Her eyes found the persons face, only to find out that the face belong to her sister. The glass beaker had almost made contact with her right before she had realised.

"Kendall?" Kaitlyn asked in disbelief, "What the hell, I've been calling your name for ages. I thought you were an intruder, my god!" Kaitlyn dropped her arm away from the older woman's frightened face and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Sorry, I've just been looking at the new dig site that we are supposed to be checking out today," the older girl explained, "I mean we could find another energem, but if there isn't one there it's going to be a total waste of time, again," Kendall had clarified whispering the last part.

The group have been looking everywhere for new energems making sure that they don't fall into the wrong's hands like Fury's, an evil monster who wants the power of the energems to himself.

"Yeah, sis, umm about that I don't think I should go," Kaitlyn informed. "And why not? The boys will need all the help they can get," her sister had countered.

"Yep, I know, but with Chase going there as well, there will only be bickering and arguing," Kaitlyn explained, "Now do you really want that, again?" Kendall gave the younger girl an 'are you serious' look, making the girl groan in annoyance. "But-" "No." The girl was cut off.

"Can't I just-" but the girl was cut off once again. "No, Katie you are going to this dig with the rest of us, and you're gonna put up with Chase. Okay, now stop complaining," Kendall told, but all the other girl did was groan and huff.

Kaitlyn tried to put a mad face on while she just started at Kendall, but she just couldn't help but laugh at her own silliness. Seeing her sister laugh made Kendall laugh as well but soon calmed down, her face going back to her serious demeanour.

"Now hurry up and find the boys, I'll meet you at the loading dock," Kendall demanded. Kaitlyn stood stiff and upright, while saluting to the older girl, "Yes, ma'am." Kaitlyn strutted out of the hideout trying to find the caveman and the flirt.

At last, she found the caveman loading some crates onto the truck, "Koda do you need some help?" the girl asked. "Uh no thank you. I okay," he informed. "Okay well I'm going to go find Chase so we can get going, I'll be back." Koda just nodded back at the girl, getting back to what he was doing.

Kaitlyn made her way into the museum and found the cart that they were taking with them to the dig outside of the café entrance. She walked in and spotted Chase sitting at a table with a drink staring at Shelby. She walked up to the boy and hit him in the arm.

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