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Susie x Billie ( moonlight)
(Kinda like the concept that their thing is rain, so I'm going to steal that a little)

It was pouring. The clouds were murky with shades of grey, no sign of the sun appeared. All that was heard was the sound of droplets hitting the concrete and occasionally a car coming down the street.

Susie, a light ash brown haired beauty, could only focus at the sound of her heartbeat pounding against her chest, and the feeling of her mouth being completely dry despite the weather. Running down the block to try and catch the bus that left her in the dust.

"YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME?!" Susie cried out. Her morning was up to an awful start. she had woken up late, burnt her pre-made breakfast partially, almost fell in the shower, tripped on her way to school and even tried to make a run for the bus and made a complete fool out of herself.

She was starting to think coming out of the house was a bad idea, and could only bite down on her bottom lip to stop herself from finally crying.

Worst of all, it was her birthday. Susie never hated her birthday, she often loved spending time with her family, but today felt so off. She felt ashamed at being angry and wanting to cry but all she knew was that Her parents forgot her birthday. they whispered amongst themselves this morning about some bills that had to be paid but never once mentioned anything about her birthday, just a subtle kiss on the head and a good-morning, before they split to different parts of the apartment.

Now here she was walking in the the pouring rain, her backpack within her already partially soaked black hoodie. Her hair clinging to her forehead as she spoke profanities under her breath.

"It could be worse! I'm not that wet and school is only a few blocks away!" She spoke in a positive manner still clenching her teeth, needing something to go right.

She was wrong though. Right as she let out her last statement, a speeding car passed by and splashed the left side of her body. Feeling all of the emotions she shoved away since early in the morning practically overflow, she felt almost defeated. She let a sob escape clenched teeth and immediately crouched down and just sobbed.

It felt like she cried for hours but she couldn't help it. She couldn't help but acknowledge that rain was no longer pelting her back but rather she was being covered by an umbrella. The owner of the umbrella just happened to be Billie, her kind classmate who she harbored romantic feelings for since the start of freshman year. He was also crouching down and was looking at her with such an unwavering gaze, it was laced with something so unfamiliar. It was worry and affection?

"Hey susie, you okay?" His face awfully close. Her heart warmed when she heard his soft whisper. It was uncanny that he whispered, he often carried himself with such a goofy, outspoken and outgoing personality. Never had she seen him worry so much about her besides occasional advice.

Susie sucked in a chunk of oxygen to get her body back into a parasympathetic state.

"I'm okay" she said as she gazed into his sage green eyes, her tears slowly stopping but still streaked on her cheeks. She saw herself swimming in his eyes, basking in his presence. It was almost as intoxicating as staying in bed for a little bit longer even though you had to be somewhere in the next hour. He felt so much like home.

He grasped her hand and pulled her up with him as he stood. He wore a light green hoodie that matched his eyes, that made his chestnut hair pop a little more than usual. Unconsciously he had passed susie his red umbrella and she took it without argument. She continued to stare at his focused face, as they both stood protected from the rain.

Billie's hand caressed Susie's cheek immediately upon the release of his umbrella and his other hand dried her tears with the sleeves of his hoodie. Susie could only stare at him with adoration and wholeheartedly wholesome love.

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