Cozy Halloween

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A bone chilling scream erupted from across the hall.
The blond haired boy who laid on his bed immediately jumped up, his brain alert as he ran out of his room and towards the front door. He had recognized that scream, it was Sara.
He knocked on the apartment door anxious of what waited for him on the other side. His heart palpitating, he knocked a little more urgently. His hair disheveled and his eyes wild in worry.
Finally the door creaked open, Sara Lin opened the door. Blood running from her forehead, and her face pale as a ghost. She couldn't even get her words across before Oliver immediately placed his hands on her cheeks and scanned her in worry.
"Are you okay? Oh my gosh, Sara what the heck? What happened? Did you trip? You're bleeding out. Let's go to the hospital" His words came out, rushing his mind jumbling with all the next steps he'd take, cleaning the wound, calling an ambulance, calling her father, and making it to the hospital. As his mind rambled he couldn't hear Sara Lin, who was saying his name over and over as she held onto his wrist.
"Oliver, I'm okay. I'm fine it's just Halloween makeup!" Sara says patiently, trying to ease him back into his normal state, not his anxiety prone one right now. Her words are immediate relief to him. Oliver sighs and lets himself slump over, his hands still on her cheeks.
"Thank you for looking out for me though I appreciate it" Sara says, blushing from his long skin contact. "What was that scream?" He says as he pushes hair behind her ear and drops his arms to his sighs as he waits for her to answer.
"I'm home alone watching scary movies to prep myself for the Halloween party going on tonight, getting in the spirit but I got a little scared and screamed when I thought I saw a Rat, false alarm, it was actually a tiny stuffed animal the fell and bounced by my feet" she says her cheeks flaring in embarrassment, her hip keeping the door open.
Oliver shook his head and nodded, turning around and making his way back into his apartment. "Wanna come over and watch movies before the party?" Sara Lin musters up at his retreating figure. Olivers heart spikes up, he turns back to her. "Yeah, I'll come over. I don't think I'll be going to the Halloween party I'm not really big on costumes" he says as he opens his apartment door and grabs a hoodie, and locks it behind him.
Sara Lin was waiting for him In the hallway as he locks the door and reaches her, they get inside her apartment. "What's your costume supposed to be?" Oliver says "red riding hood, but a little more bloody" she says and Oliver just nods as his eyes adjust to the dark living room and he sits near her blankets on the couch. Sara places a bowl of popcorn on the table in front of him as she sits next to him and puts on a horror movie. "Wait, are you okay with scary movies?" She says, and he responds with a "yeah, I'm neutral about it", and the movie plays. Sara snuggles into her blankets, putting some on Oliver as he watches the movie. They both watched in silence, Oliver's face normal, while Sara's face etched with a mix of fear and worry. She covered her eyes slightly and screamed when the poltergeist in the movie jumped out, she hesitantly slid closer to Oliver and relied on his presence to calm her nerves. She practically clung to his arm in fear, spewing apologies as her eyes glued shut. Her face hidden in his shoulder. A prank from her dad earlier leaving her jumpy all day.
Oliver's heart was pounding, afraid that the closeness would give away his biggest secret. Oliver says nothing but encourages himself to comfort her by patting her shoulder as she holds onto him. The movie ends and the next sentence fills Sara with dread, 'based on a true story', she lets go of Oliver and clenches her blanket. "So how was the movie?" Says Oliver in a joking tone, Sara pushes him as he laughs, his hand on his stomach as he holds onto her shoulder as he laughs. It fills Sara with butterflies as she looks at him, feeling more at ease with his bubbling laughter. It felt like a clap of thunder, falling immediately for him. "Let's watch something less scary, like a cartoon" Sara Lin says as she eyes the clock. "Gravity falls has a Halloween episode" Oliver says as he settles back into his spot. Sara puts it on, and doesn't sit away from him. They sit close to each other, cracking jokes as the episode plays.
Immediately realizing their closeness as the episode ends, their faces are a few inches apart. Time stops as they're with each-other, and they swallow away their feelings and turn away.
The party started and Sara was still huddled up in her sheets, Oliver looks at the time, flashing 8PM and says "isn't it time to go to the party?" He says looking at her, "yeah it is, but I'm having more fun right here. I'll go a little late, everybody in the group is already going with their dates, I'll be 3rd wheel for two relationships. I'll take my time, the party doesn't end till 1am" she says with a huff, not wanting to leave her home. " I'd go but I don't have a costume" Oliver says and Sara jumps up and runs to her room, carrying back a series of items. She plops a wolf mask on his head, "boom, costume. You'll be the wolf to my red riding hood" Sara says proudly . "You'll just have to wear black" she says as Oliver just admires her.
Oliver slips into his apartment and changes into black, as Sara changes out of clothes into her costume. They meet in the hallway and make their way to the party, Sara bouncing on the tips of her feet from the glee from having him as her partner, and Oliver just happy to come along with her. Both hiding their feelings in the back of their pockets as they enjoy this little moment. A cozy Halloween.
This was a short one 💗 in the spirit of Ingrid's paper Sara and Halloween tomorrow!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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