Chapter Four.

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Leah Renee Miller.

She looked at Liam a bit, curious as to if I was just messing with her. But soon she crawled off my lap and climbed onto Liams. She pointed at his neck, at his birth mark.

"Wus da." She asks.

"Thats my birth mark, you have one just like me. Just like Daddy." He says smiling at the little girl in his arms. She touches her neck and giggles.

"JUST LIKE DADDY!" She screams and hugs him. Liam hugs her back lightly and looks at me with the most happiest look. We get up after we ate and headed back to everyone else. Darcy asked Liam so many questions.

"Why di yuh lea Daddy." She mumbled onto his shoulder he looked over at me for help and I knew what she would buy.

"Daddy has been playing hide and seek and Mommy just found him." I say. She picks her head up and kisses his cheek.

"I wuv yuh Daddy." She says as Liam sets her down.

"I love you to Darc." He says smiling. She turns around and runs to Harry who is playing in the sand leaving us two.

"You're a Dad?" I hear a voice say. I turn around and its that Danielle girl. His girlfriend. My eyes widen and look at Liam.

"Yeah, I just found out. Thats where I went." He says looking at the curly haired girl.

"Liam.." She mutters and turns away and leaves.

"Dani! Wait!" He shouts running after her. Wow great going Leah you just fucked it up for Liam. I look over to see Louis with his girlfriend, her leaning back so she is on his chest and them watching the waves. A pang of jealousy goes through my stomach. I envy that girl. I envy Eleanor. I look at her and she looks flawless no wonder Louis is hopelessly in love with her. She has a wonderful shaped face, her eye shape is to die for, she has no blemishes, she is perfectly thin. No baby fat.

I sigh and sit down on the blanket and just watch Darcy with Harry. He laughs as she makes a face at what he just did. I laugh at this. He really is a sweet guy.

"Leah! Come over here and help us!" Harry says. I smile and make my way over there to play with them. I hear a snap and turn around to see Perrie and Zayn taking pictures.

"These  are going on twitter you guys look like a cute little family!" Zayn says chuckling a bit. I look over at Louis and he is scowling at Harry. Then he looks at Zayn and shakes his head.

"Look at that baby girl!" I say showing her our castle. She giggles and claps her hands. Harry stands up with me and gives me a dimple filled smile.

"You are a great Mum." He says.

"Thanks. That means a lot." I say watching her play with the castle that took us about a hour to do. I hear mumbling and look over my shoulder to see Liam shaking his head and Danielle by his side a frown plasterd on her face.

I pick Darcy up and make my way over to the upset couple. Darcy getting excited because she actually knows who her Dad is now.

"Daddy!" Sh squeals causing him to look up from his feet to the little girl squirming to get free to him. He smiles lightly and takes the girl from my arms. She looks over at Dani and pulls her hair a bit to get her attention. Dani looks up and smiles lightly.

"Why are yuh wiv Da." She says "Mummuh should be wiv Da." She cries out pointing at me. My eyes go wide and Danielle gives me a reasuring smile that its okay.

"Because I love your Daddy very much." She says looking at Darcy.

"Mummuh should be." She mumbles into Liams shoulder.

"Im so sorry.." I mumble to her.

"No its okay. All little girls get like that when they just found their Dad." She chuckles "I totally understand. She is a cutie." She says looking at me. "You are a really great mother, I heard about her condition. You work 3 jobs just to get her new blood pumped to her heart?" She asks.

"Yes I do. Anything for my baby." I whisper stroking her hair as she falls asleep on Liam.

"Why dont you let Liam help?" She says.

"That would be really great." I say "But not to much I dont want to be a leech." I murmer trying not to wake her.

"You wont be. He hasnt been in her life for 2 years. You deserve a break from those 3 jobs." She says "What do you do anyway."

"I am a cashier, I work at Starbucks, and I am a part time photographer." I say as we walk to were everyone else was.

"Oh, Louis has been starring at you for awhile now. Look." She says pointing at the boy who I spent most my nights with. We made breif eye contact and he smiled at me.

I walked to him and sat down.

"How are you." I say looking at the sunset a the beach.

"Same old same old." He chuckles.

"You know, ive really missed you." I say looking at him, he turns his head and meets my gaze.

"Not as much as Ive missed you." He whispers.

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