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''There's a lot of drama around me, you know. My friends think I'm playing this boy I like. Of course, it would be his first relationship, so our friends are quite protective. I just don't get why they'd think I'm a player." 'Maybe it's because of the number of boyfriends you've had in a short time. I mean pulling five guys in one year is impressive, but it does make you look a bit like a player.' Those harsh words, spoken by her friend, didn't really penetrate as much as they should've. 

So, the girl kept on going: "I think this is a similar situation as my friend's. He got called a whore because of the number of girls he'd talked and flirted with. But he just has that sort of personality. So, I'm like the female version of him!" In that moment, the girl didn't realize how much it would hurt her friend if he found out what she said. And even if she knew that, she probably never guessed that her other friend would go up to the boy and snitch her. Because the next break would be the worst she'll ever have.  

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