11. detention

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- Hey, answer my question.

Second period arrived quicker than I expected. Certainly, when you pass your entire break time trying to make someone talk without any success, frustration starts to make his way in your body.

Which is the state I am right now - frustrated.

For some reason, Finn categorically does not want to tell me why he hates Connor. I didn't make it a big deal with it at first, but the more I saw how he got defensive about it, the more I started to be curious during the fifteen minutes we had to go to our lockers. Luckily, we are now in science - which means that I am sat right beside him. It's like the Universe decided that I was meant to figure out the truth about this.

- Answer what?
- You know what I am talking about.
- Yeah?
- Then answer, why did you look at him like that?
- Like what?
- Ugh, you're getting on my nerves.
- I know, he responds with a proud light in his regard.
- Are you dead serious right now?
- I am, Blondie.

I sight out of growing exasperation.

- You are going to make me crazy.
- Miss Newton, what is the problem here? Ms. Robertson interrupts my investigation with an eyebrow raised.
- Uh, nothing miss, I was just asking for a crayon.
- Right... next time, be responsible and bring your own material.

A negative point of this class : this is by far the worst teacher I have.

As soon as she turns back around to face the board, I do the same thing towards Finn again, an insistent expression owning my eyes.

- Tell meeee, I say impatiently, not paying any attention to what the teacher is telling the group.
- Madelyn Newton, you are the most annoying person I know.
- You are the one annoying me, actually.
- How am I annoying? I am trying to focus on the lesson and you are irritating me.
- Are you seriously trying to make me believe you are listening to this useless class?
- I am listening.
- No you're not.
- I am.
- Stop lying...
- Madelyn! Next time you say a word, you'll go to detention for the rest of the period. This is your last chance, Ms. Robertson yells, looking into my pupils as if she is sending lasers right in my orbs.

I send her a death glare behind her back.

- Okay Finn, I whisper quietly. I know you can be sort of secretive sometimes - I mean, I guessed so -  but this isn't gonna work with me. I am curious. I need to know what is going on. It's your job, as my friend, to talk to me about what is upsetting you.
- I have all the right in the world to keep things for me if I want to.

Ha! At least, he is acknowledging that there is actually something wrong. We are making progress.

- Yes, but you also have the right to trust me.

I take a long breath while he sights. As I think of this, I realize we have almost only been talking about me since the beginning of our relationship as friends and I frankly do not know anything about him - except that he is not on good term with his parents. This is also starting to trigger me and if I can only get him to tell me about what he thinks of Connor, that'll at least be a small victory.

- Listen. I will never, ever tell anyone until you give me the right to do so, I can swear you. I am like you on that point. I keep my promises.
- And what proves me that you will not tell anyone?
- Have I ever told you any of Dawn's secret?
- I guess not...
- Then you know I keep her's to myself. Just like I can easily keep yours.

He seems betrayed for a second. He then let go of his tense shoulders and posture, replacing them by a "I'm giving up" position and making me realize that at this moment, I won the arguments battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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