𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏, final plan

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❛ You lot argue like fucking children

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You lot argue like fucking children.

HEADS TURN THEIR WAY as soon as they shuffle slowly through the sliding doors. Two men, clearly father and son sit opposite one another, while Ladybug raids a snack cart. The son grunts lowly as he wraps a belt around his own bullet wound, a towel pressed under it; just like Vanessa.

"Nice to see you're alive," Ladybug tries his hardest to put a beaming smile on his face.

Vanessa grinds her jaw, not even bothering to look at him as she snarls, "Wish I could say the same to you."

Tangerine barges past Ladybug roughly, their shoulders hitting against one another, sending the blonde man tumbling down into the nearest seat with a loud groan.

Nodding at one another, Tangerine and Lemon slowly lower Vanessa down into a chair to the side of the older man. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Tangerine rubs her shoulder comfortingly.

"Fellas," Ladybug stand sup once more, returning to the snack cart, "Lady. We need to come up with a plan."

Tangerine stills in front of his wife, the sound of the American speaking sending anger rolling through his body. Beside him, Lemon can tell something is going to happen, as he watches his brother's hand curl into a fist. Lemon drops his gaze to Nessa, who meets his eyes and just shrugs lazily; knowing as well that her husband is about to do something stupid.

"You shot my wife," Tangerine snaps, whirling on his heel to face Ladybug as he raises a finger to jab it in his direction, "You fucking shot her!" He marches towards him, Lemon close on his heels.

The other shot man raises from his seat quickly to slide in front of Lemon, "And you fucking shot me!" He yells.

"Yeah? Well I'll shoot you some more next time!" Lemon roars back in his face, "You and your partner, Keira Knightley!"

Ladybug raises his arms in a surrender, his eyes never leaving Tangerine's furious expression, "When we are so quick to anger, we are slow to understand."

Rolling his tongue over his teeth, Tangerine pounces forward, sending a hard punch across Ladybug's already bloody cheeks, sending the man tumbling back slightly. The blonde man grabs the snack cart, sliding it across the isle to separate both of them, while Lemon continues to argue with the other dude.

"You're such a fucking cunt!" Tangerine points at him harshly, "I should kill you."

Ducking down slightly behind the cart, Ladybug points back up at him, "When you point a finger at someone in blame, there are four fingers pointing back at you."

𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘, tangerineWhere stories live. Discover now