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"I hate this place. I hate this life. I hate people. I hate everything."

These words kept repeating in my mind as I laid on the ground in my usual alleyway. Curled up in a ball in a futile attempt to protect my stomach as the usual gang beats me up. I don't do anything. I can't do anything. If I even try to fight back, I'll only make things worse for myself.

But then something happened that wasn't the usual. I heard someone talking; the voice was male. It sounded angry. I looked up, and there, at the end of the alleyway, was a teenage boy. He was probably around the same age as the gang members.

"Hey!" The gang paused and the leader turned to face him as the others went back to beating me up.

"Tch. Whaddya want this time, Okumura?" The leader spat, probably glaring at this Okumura-guy.

"I want you to tell your little "gang" to stop hurting that kid." The guy— presumably Okumura— snarled. Probably glaring back.

"Pfft— and whaddya gonna do if I don't?" Reiji, the gang leader, snarled right back mockingly.

"I'm gonna beat the shit outta you!" Okumura spat back.

"As if you could!" Reiji laughed. Then I heard footsteps approaching, and the gang members stopped punching and kicking me. Then there was a metallic bang as someone was shoved into the nearby scrap metal that leaned against one of the walls of the building to my left. I flinched and whimpered quietly, pulling my knees up to my chest with my arms over my head as I lie on my side.

"What're you laughing at, huh?!" Okumura snapped. I'm assuming he'd shoved Reiji into the metal thing that leaned against the wall. I heard another metallic bang as the metal hit the ground. There was a thud soon after. I knew that was the sound of a body hitting the ground.

I slowly looked up to see what was happening, hoping the gang members wouldn't notice my movement and continue beating me up. I saw a boy with navy blue hair and a scowl on his face as he glared up at Reiji.

I tried to get up and leave while the gang was distracted, but I failed to push myself up with my arms and just hit the ground with a slight "oomph" sound— which caught Okumura's attention, and he turned his head to look at me.

I froze in the middle of my attempt to shift over to the wall; he just stared at me. We made eye-contact for a minute while Reiji rambled on about something along the lines of "trespassing on his territory," or whatever.

"The hell're you starin' at?" Reiji snarled, now realizing that the boy he had pinned beneath him with his foot wasn't even paying attention to a word he'd just said. He scowled, then traced Okumura's gaze to where I was positioned, still dazed, in the middle of trying to scoot over to the wall.

"You're trying to get away, aren't ya?" Reiji growled, taking his foot off Okumura's chest to take a step toward me. I flinched and shook my head rapidly.

"What'd I ever do to deserve this?" I thought, trying desperately to hold back the tears I could feel beginning to form in my eyes out of fear.

"What a pretty little liar," he taunted, taking another step towards me. The gang members all had their attention fixed on me. I glared back at Reiji, defiance evident in my eyes— though it was fake; a false emotion put up to hide the fear I was feeling. He didn't know that. And he didn't need to know that.

"Still fired up and defiant as always, hmm?" He mused, taking yet another step closer. The members of his gang that surrounded me mirrored his movements. Then there was something that snapped behind Reiji's eyes that made him do what I only hoped he wouldn't...

...he lunged forward and pinned me to the back wall, ordering for the gang members to hold me up so he could pull some low, and I mean low, shit.

He grabbed the pocketknife from his pocket, and swung it open. He suddenly grabbed my shirt by the collar and I flinched. He held the pocketknife just above my collarbone, and began to slowly trail it down my front...

Then Okumura kicked the pocketknife out of Reiji's hand, then pulled Reiji with him in a headlock as he stepped backwards. Then he elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to double over. Okumura glared down at him, then punched his back, forcing him onto his stomach on the ground. I gasped quietly.

"Man, he has guts! Who is this guy?!" I thought as I watched him beat up Reiji.

"I almost feel bad— I mean... Reiji's sort of my stepbrother, but after all he's done to me he kinda deserves this..." I shook my head. "What are you thinking?! Of course he deserves this!! This is actually kinda fun to watch." I thought— and then Okumura burst into blue flames. The gang members dropped me and fled. I stared at him in awe.

"Wait a second... why do I recognize these flames...? I know blue flames belong to Satan, but... these blue flames... they're familiar to me..." I shook my head again. "Don't be ridiculous, Y/n! Why in the hell would these blue flames be "familiar" or whatever? I've never seen them in my life!"

I looked back up at Okumura and Reiji— that's when I noticed that Reiji was growing in size, and his ears were getting pointier. Then suddenly Reiji... wasn't Reiji anymore...

He shoved Okumura off of him and started laughing maniacally. "Well, well, well! If it isn't the Son of Satan!" His voice boomed. I flinched and Okumura glared.

Reiji— well, what used to be Reiji— began laughing and saying something. My vision began to blur, and I couldn't make out what they were saying anymore. I looked down and realized that Reiji had cut me with his pocketknife, and I hadn't noticed until now.

"That's... that's a lot of blood..." I thought, my knees buckling. "Man... why am I always so damn weak?! It was only a little cut, I shouldn't be bleeding so much..." That's when I collapsed and everything went black...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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