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Nottingham, England
August 1st 2019
9:23 pm

SOPHIA WILDE was well known around her home town of nottingham, england. In fact, they even had a name for the girl, 'the night stalker'. No one knew what she got up to durning her night watches, but they knew enough to stay away.

Ever since an early age wilde noticed that people would commit awful acts and get away with it. For instance, when she was fourteen the girl noticed her older sister came home with bruises over her arms which worried her as she loved her sister more than anything in the world, but she would never tell Sophia why so, the girl decided that if no one was going to give her answers she would find them herself. She eventually found out who was mistreating her sister and became so infuriated that she committed the highest sin, murder. Even though the firey child knew it was wrong, she couldn't help feel a sense of achievement as the monster would never be able to hurt anyone again so that night as she drew her dagger into its chest she smirked and let out a rough whisper, 

"This is what happens when you cross my family."

And from that day fourth, she swore never to let anyone be hurt again.

Every night she would come home from school and go straight out into town, making sure to tuck her dagger into her boot for protection. She would take to the rooftops to look for women needing help getting home or men getting caught up in a fight or children getting lost in the busy streets of drunken adults, she helped many people over the years which only made her more hungry for revenge. Slowly, people started the notice the flash of auburn hair in the street lights and the mysterious black figure sitting atop the rooftops and before she knew it , 'the night stalker' was her new name.

As she sat pulling her hair out of her face and burying her dagger into her boot, she was completely oblivious that this fateful night ,her 22nd birthday, would be the night that she, just like the other ghosts, would die.

As usual Sophia mounted the rooftops and stood guard as she watched the busying nightlife below her. She smiled slightly at a group of friends walking down the street in a drunken haze singing 'sweet caroline' she felt her heart twang as she never experienced what it was like to have friends, after all, people never wanted to get too close because, in all honesty, they were scared of her. After her sister disappeared she had no one left, which made her even more determined to protect who she could. It was weird, she never found herself feeling happy unless she was protecting people. When she first started she thought she would become like the famous Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, all that bullshit, but instead of doing that she was killing the dicks (the rich) and saving the innocent (the poor). Technically she was still stealing from the rich but not gold or food, but their souls.

As the girl sat swaying her legs and flipping her dagger around her hand, she spotted a man chasing after a woman below and went to stand up only to be grabbed around the neck by someone and thrown to the floor. The sheer force caused the girl to groan as she gripped her chest in pain and reached for her boot. She quickly grabbed her dagger and nipped the persons hand which caused a small enough distraction for her to get up and ready herself for a fight.

The man held his wrist and went to charge at the girl with his left hand but she elbowed his arm away and struck him in the face with a blunt side of her dagger which caused him to stagger back. He looked up at her with rage and kicked her in the stomach sending her into the floor but she went unfazed as she got straight back up and went to run down the fire escape where she could make a quick get away and still help the poor girl. The girl ran over to the edge of the building and prepared to make the jump between the buildings to get to the ladder but before she could reach the edge she was pulled back again and sent to the floor where the man grabbed her neck again as well as her dagger which he threw across the roof.

"What the fuck do you want you pussy. Come on then. Picking on a pretty girl when you are like what 50 a really good look for your reputation." Sophia struggled beneath him as she could now look at him properly.

He hauled her up and held her at the edge of the building, making the girl try to kick and scream her way out of it but it was no use. She couldn't see anything below her but knew it was a long way from the ground.

"Goodbye night stalker." He wickedly grinned as he let go of Sophia and watched her fall through 3 glass canopies and lay limp on the concrete below. He smirked and turned away walking away from the scene, never to look back again.

Nottingham, England
August 1st 2019
9:27 pm

ONE looked at the half dead girl beneath him as he bent down and stroked the streaks of ginger and brown hair out of her face. She was pale but her lips still stained with a dark red tint and he couldn't tell whether the blood was pooling from her head or the glass shards sticking out from her body but he knew it wasn't good. He gently picked her up and carried her back to the car where three and five were waiting for them.

As he got to the car five opened the door and motioned for him to put the girl next to her so she could tend to her many injuries and so he did as he was told and quickly jumped in the passenger side as three sped off, weaving through traffic and crowds.

"Three, quit moving the car so fucking much I'm trying to rip pieces of glass out this girls body and you aren't making it any easier." Five snapped at the man in the drivers seat which made him mutter a quick sorry as he tried to be more careful.

The three conscious people in the car were all sat in silence as one and three didn't want to disturb the doctor and the doctor was too busy trying to save the girls life to even think about doing anything else. Three had been driving for about 2 hours now and they were approaching london where they would be meeting the rest of the team to travel back to California tomorrow. As they rounded the bend two, seven and four came into view and they began making their way to the car.

The door swung open and five directed seven to grab the girl and take her inside and as he did so four spotted her and found himself linger on her face. She was beautiful.

"Four, stop gawping at the poor girl and make yourself useful" One snapped at him as he grabbed the guns from the back of the car and ran inside, closely followed by two.

If only the ghosts knew how much this girl would change their lives.

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