ꔘ𖣥• • .Wʜᴇɴ Lᴏᴠᴇ Rᴀɪɴs Oɴ Us. • •𖣥ꔘ

132 7 10

𝚝𝚑𝚡 :3

"And I respect that,"
"Oh my fucking god- STOP SAYING THAT!"
The frustrated Serbia yelled out.
"Ok ok!!" Greece repeated, snickering a little at the Slav.
The two countries seemed to be in a restaurant, they've already ordered their desires of the food the restaurant could offer and their food were present in front of them, most of it eaten, tiny crumbs being the only sign of food visible on their white plates.
While they were having a conversation the snow-white clouds in the blue sky had turned into grey rain clouds, grey as a grey wolf.
Soon the grey clouds started crying tiny droplets of water. It started raining. The water drops falling and hitting the windows of every house and building, also the window of the restaurant that Greece and Serbia were dining at.
As the rain reached the window of the dining area, it made noises, alerting its being at the moment.
Greece was talking shit about Turkey, as she is his, and Serbia's enemy. Serbia was listening until he heard tapping noise of the rain, this animated the nation instantly to the direction of the sound. Once he saw the rain he scoffed. Greece stopped his voice once he heard the unpleased sound the shorter nation gave. He did not question but turned his gaze to the rain as well, finding the reason for his scoff.
"Not a fan of the rain, hm?" He asked, smiling and titling head a bit.
"I prefer snow," Serbia replied. "Its more calming."
"I think both are good." Greece stated his opinion.
"Maybe we should go outside? Play in the rain a bit?" He offered.
"What?! Fuck no! Im not gonna go outside and get soaking wet! We haven't even brought any umbrel— "


Serbia stood near the pavement [North-American English: SideWalk.] , where the umbrellas of the stores protected him from the rain.
Greece on the other hand, was cheerfully playing and stepping on the puddles.
"C'mon! Its not so bad!" He said to the grumpy country.
"Im not going in the shitty rain." Serbia refused.
"Aw.. please??" The taller Balkan gave him the puppy eyes.
Serbia blushed, as the Greek got a bit too close when giving the puppy eyes.
"Puppy eyes don't work on me, pal." Serbia rolled his eyes.
"Would a kiss?" Greece got closer.

"OK FINE." Serbia pushed the other Balkan back in the rain, face redder than a tomato.


"Careful! I don't want to fall!" Serbia shouted at Greece, they were holding hands and spinning in a puddle, both the countries clothes, hair and almost every part of their body was soaking wet, thus they still played like little kids.
They finally finished and got near a store to be protected by the umbrella from the rain.
They both chuckled, how they had fun. It was their funnest moment in their lives! They couldn't deny that.
"So, still dislike the rain?" Greece asked, not letting the smile disappear from his face.
"Yes. Even more actually! But.. with you, it was better." Serbia answered, trying to get the water out of his clothes.
"Ah.. I cant deny that now." The taller nation agreed.
He then put his hands behind his back, "You know~" he said.
Serbia looked at him with a confused glare.
"Rain is also considered romantic sometimes," he stated.
Serbia, already knowing what he's going to say next. "Нет, absolutely not." He refused whatever Greece was going to say.
"Oh come on!-" Greece whined. "Please??"
He begged the shorter Balkan.
"Pretty please?"
"Please, babe?"
"N.." Serbia cut off his voice. "WHAT?" He yelled at Greece, with his cheeks bright red: blushing.
"Please, baby?" Greece still called him by a lover name.
"D-dont call me that, идиот!" Serbia stuttered, his face still red.
"Why not? We are together, aren't we?" Greece questioned once more.
"Who said we were?!" Serbia shouted at him.
"This kiss will say."

Before Serbia could protest, Greece pulled him into his lips. The Serbians eyes widened as they kissed like Greece wanted. The smaller Balkan's lips were warm and soft. The short Slav could taste the cherry chapstick the Greek had on his lips.  Serbia soon accepted the kiss and closed his eyes like Greece. They both wanted it to last for a lifetime, even taste tongues, turn it into a French kiss. but their lips separated
after a brief moment of being together.

"Told ya,"

"Fuck you."

- 𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓇; 𝑶𝒎𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒚𝒚𝒚- (╥_╥) -

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