III: Jae Won High

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I open my phone the next morning to come across another note from webtoon.

[Dear reader, You are starting Jae Won high today. We got you clothes that are exactly your size and that are comfortable to your liking.]

I slightly scrunch my face up. "That's weird how do you know all that?"

Another note pops up from Webtoon. I read it as I changed my clothes.

[Unfortunately we cannot say although you give it away without realizing it]

I sigh and close the app as I walk to school. I arrive at the gates and walk in quickly but slowly. Everyone stares at me whispering stuff about how i look rude. 

I continue walking ignoring the insults.

Some aren't insults but are still uncomfortable. I eventually make it to the Fashion Department as I wait for the teacher to introduce me. "come in, reader." said my teacher from the other side.

I walk in and immediately get stared at by everyone except two catch my attention. Daniel and Zach. I glare at Zach and whisper from across the room. "YOU...."

"Introduce yourself." said the teacher. I nod. "I'm a reader, I don't care what you do and please take care of me".

I bowed down as my teacher told me to sit behind jay. I walk to my seat and get glares from the girls since Daniel stared at me. I sigh and look out the window. "This is gonna be a long day".

I said not knowing that someone in front of me was secretly listening. I sigh while waiting for the lesson to finish. Class ends and It's time for lunch. I get up until Daniel comes up to me.

"Hi, I'm Daniel. would you like to eat lunch with us?" I smile slightly, only Daniel notices though. "sure why not." I look at him. My phone goes off as I get a notification. Let me look at this first though.

I walk to the corner and open Webtoon. Another note. I read the note. It reads-

[Dear reader, you are having your first lunch. Vasco and burn knuckles will go in the cafeteria. good luck.]

.......TO BE CONTINUED......

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