The Malfoys

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"Honey time to get up!" Mrs. Malfoy called as she waved her wand at the dishes that magically did themselves.

"Almost down Mother,"Narcissa called.
"Scorpious!" Mrs. Malfoy called. "You better still not be in bed!"

She walked up to the room in the far left corner. A whitish blonde haired. Boy remained tucked under the covering of his bed.

" Up, up,up!" She called. We have to be at Paddington by 8:00!"

" Ok, ok calm down mother. "Scorpious said.

"Your father will be upset if your not ready!"

" Good morning Pansy," a tall man with hair just like Scorpious's said.

"Good morning Draco," she hollered down the stairs.

Draco Malfoy was somebody that everybody knew about. 19 years ago he helped Voldemort kill Harry Potter. When Draco failed his task Harry defeated Voldemort

Then there was Pansy Parkinson. She was a Slytherin just like Draco but she didn't do much involving "The Dark Lord. Of course now there was no possible way she could.

"Hey Issa!" "Set the table!" Scorpious hollered.

Narcissa set the table. The all sat down to eat breakfast. "Hey mum, why do I have to come to the station when I'm not even going to school yet?"

It's a family tradition from your father's side of the family."

"It's true Narcissa, we passed on the tradition every since my grandfather went." Mr. Malfoy said proudly.

They ate their supper quickly and quietly. Then they drove off to Paddington station.

When they reached the station Scorpious was confused because there was no platform 9 3/4. Mrs. Parkinson took his hand in her right hand and his cart in her left and she ran strait into a wall. They didn't get hurt because they ran through it and on the other side there was a big train and lots of students with carts just like his!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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