Ch-6 : Class 5(i)

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Last chapter might be a little boring but here I am making this a bit fun with my new introduction to my ex fake friends!

I don't remember how but I got a friend in class 5. Let's call that guy jeet. I've had a lot of guy friends idk why I just end up having more of them. So, this guy was kinda toxic but used to be really good friend of mine. He was manipulative ngl. I was young and naïve so I didn't realize that then. His definition of friends was someone who would listen to him. So, I had to do everything he would tell me whether it was from sharing my food to write something for him while he'll be joking around. Well given my history, at that point I did every thing I could to have friends. But it wasn't just him. Adhuri, Shen, Dhar also used to talk with me a bit. At first Jeet and I were inseparable but then he made other friends so I started hanging out with Dhar. But there's a back story of us. I always wanted to sit in the first bench at that time but somehow no one let me sit there. Even if I had a chance, they would come to me and be like "We booked this seat first. We are supposed to sit here not you". I was too alone so I just moved to another bench. This same thing happened with me and Dhar one day and when I didn't go to other seat instead said that "no I'm gonna sit here today no matter what" she slapped me across my face. I don't know how to feel about this so I just started crying. Well, yeah I'm a crybaby but just for a seat I don't deserve to be slapped like that in front of the whole classroom. Teacher cam and told ME to move and sit somewhere else :) But even after all these when her friend (Sen) ignored her she came to me :)

There this another thing happened between me and Dhar and Sen. I was just standing with my bottle in my hand after school was over. Sen was running and she hit her face (near eye) with my bottle. Do you it's my fault? Well apparently, it was not to me but them. They told the teacher that I was running and hit her face :) She had a black eye so she could play the victim card. No one believed me when I said she was running not me which is not surprising.

Dhar and me became quite close but I knew she was a fake one. Well, I didn't care about that. She used to sit with me all the time after whatever wrong she did to me. But even with being manipulated and being accused of something I did not do I was happy. Happy to have friends no matter if they're real or not.

During this time, class 5,6,7, a lot of things happened with me at school and tuition which I just want to write it all down but I got really confused with the timeline. What happened in which class I don't remember too well So, I'm just gonna write the events down and trust me there's a lot. This was my class but I know there's a lot more happened besides just this I just can't remember which one's lol, but I'll write anyway. This was more like origin story of my fake friends/ friends group.

I have like 50 views on my book now. I'm surprised that people are actually reading my story. Anyways whoever is reading this hope you have a great day and I hope none of this happens with you cuz I know how disgusting these feelings are. Thank you for listening to me, it really means a lot <3

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