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Star Hudson has always loved small towns, she's lived in Horseshoe Bay for the past month and it feels like home. Not even New York felt like home for her. She loves that everyone knows everyone. She loves the stores, the pawn shops and the diners and she loves the Claw.

Every chance she gets she finds herself heading there so tonight when her dad and stepmom told her they were going there, she insisted on joining them. She was already in her pajamas, a pink pair of shorts and a black t-shirt so she threw on a black coat and a pair of boots and headed out.

When they get there Tiffany decides to stay in the car and Star gets her order.

"I think it's closed," she comments when they approach the restaurant but Ryan shrugs it off, knocking on the small window when George opens up for them.

"I'll tell Ace what I want and help him with it," she's spent so much time here that George has stopped complaining about her heading into the kitchen.

She heads into the kitchen, waving to Nancy, George and Bess on her way in. "Let me guess, steak burger and fries?" Ace asks when he sees her. She nods, shrugging off her coat and heading over to the sink. She takes off her rings and starts washing her hands. When Nancy hands them the orders they start working on everything while Bess brings them drinks. When she heads out of the kitchen she drops all the glasses on the ground.

"Dude, are you okay?" Star and Ace rush after to help her. While Ace tries to calm Bess down, Star picks up the glasses. When she looks up she has a fright, she thinks she sees a man in the kitchen but she ignores it when she realises she's cut her hand open.

"Honey, is everything alright?" Ryan calls out to her when George walks up to her, helping her off the ground.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hudson, I'll help her," George grabs her elbow, slowly dragging her to the small office near the bathroom. The pain in her hand clears her mind when she sits down on the table. George immediately has a scowl on her face which Star chooses to ignore.

"You could try being a little more careful," George starts tightly wrapping a bandage around the girl's hand, ignoring the face she's making.

"I got distracted," she admits, her eyes falling on George's tattoos. Star has never realised how many tattoos George has. She doesn't think the two have even been alone together for this long.

"Next time be careful or I'm cutting the bandage from your paycheck," George warns.

"I don't work here," Star looks up at George who gasps a little. "I'm surprised you actually know that," she shakes her head in disbelief and Star wants to kill herself.

"I just like helping," she tries to explain but George has already started heading to the door. "We really don't need help," that's a lie but Star doesn't say anything about it. She gets off the table, walking past George and goes to one of the booths where Bess brings her food to. Star is surprised when she doesn't break anything.

"Did my mom get her food?" She pulls out her phone, placing it down on the table.

"Nancy went out a while ago," Bess explains, sitting down across from Star. Another reason they need an extra waitress, their wait staff just decides to sit down sometime and do nothing.

"Bess, I hate to confront you about this, especially here but the other day I went to your aunt's house for a party and when I-" Star's voice gets cut short when she looks out the window to see Nancy looking around.

"What's she doing?" She rushes outside with Bess heavy on her heels. When she's outside, George and Ace have followed them too.

"Mom," she whispers down at the sight in front of her. Her mom was dead on the ground.

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