Chapter 1- Need for Change

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Spotify song: Numb Little Bug Rock cover by Rain Paris

Three years later...

It was bright and early in the morning, and I sat down at my cubicle for another day of work at the Joja Corporation Headquarters. I took a sip of my triple espresso coffee while I opened my email. At the top of my feed was an email from my manager. I let out a small sigh and opened it.

Attention Ms. Mayfield,

Operations users need you create a new stored procedure in the database to facilitate creating reports for the company's annual revenue. Additionally, there is still a form validation bug on the JojaMart membership registration page. Fix it immediately.

George Harris 

 IT Manager

I couldn't help but groan into my hands. There were already way too many tasks in my backlog. This was a problem ever since I started working for Joja Corp last year. I was originally excited about getting a position as an entry-level software developer for the largest corporation in Zuzu City, but now I was absolutely miserable.

Joja Corp HQ has a severe shortage of developers due to the lack of workplace cohesion and poor work conditions. So, whenever a developer quit, I and the few who were left had to take on their assignments.

I craned my neck to see the other cubicles. Many of my co-workers were already hard at work, frantically typing on their keyboards. However, many of the cubicles were empty with nothing but a banner with the word TERMINATED draped across them. Without wasting any more time, I opened my project files and got to work.

A few hours passed and I managed to get a few small tasks from the backlog completed. I sat back in my chair for a moment to get a break from staring at the computer screen. I felt a headache developing from the eyestrain.

I can't do this for forty more years.

That's when I remembered the envelope that Grandpa gave me three years ago. I opened my desk drawer and sure enough, the envelope was in there. I hesitantly took it out of the drawer and pealed off the purple seal. There was a letter inside that was in Grandpa's handwriting.

Dear Arianna,

If you are reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.

The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong. I've enclosed the deed to that pride and joy: Rosewood Farm. It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your new life.

This was my most precious gift of all , and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, my dear. Good luck.

Love, Grandpa

P.S. If Lewis is still alive say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?

I placed the letter on my desk, reflecting on my options. My current job paid well. Also, my parents would prefer me to stay close by so that I can help them with my younger brother who has special needs. However, my stress levels were through the roof and my social life was virtually nonexistent. Something needed to change.

By the end of my shift, I came to a decision. I was going to Stardew Valley.

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