Chapter 1: the door

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"Are you sure this is the right side of the hospital?" asked Naice.
As Naice, Opal, and Viola arrived to the front door of St. Jose Hospital to see their friend Cameron because they were in a car accident and had a few broken bones.
"Yeah, I'm sure I gave my parents the address to drop us off here I'm sure," responded Opal going into the building. "Come on you guys, I want to see Cameron !" she continued. Naice and Viola followed Opal as they entered the main entrance of the hospital building. They saw two nurses on their computers.
"Hello there!" one of the nurses welcomed the girls "good afternoon,'' Naice responded, "we are here to see our friend but we don't exactly know where the room or floor they are at".

"Name for the patient?..." one of the nurses asked in an odd tone looking oddly at the girls.
"Chloe Walten." responded Opal.
"Okay Chloe walten...she is in room 541 and the floor is 5, take the elevator if you get lost just ask the nurses.." said the nurse on the left.
"Okay thank you!" said Naice and she and her two friends began to walk to find Cameron's room as they were walking through the hallways of the hospital they realized they were lost and not sure where they were going. "oh shit and we are lost..'' exclaimed Naice in an annoyed and angry tone. "W-what do you mean lost..?" Viola responded in a worried tone as she picked at her fingers.
"We will just have to ask one of the nurses to help us, Opal can you ask because I don't do well with talking to new people? please?"  Naice pleaded to Opal.
"Uh, yeah sure if it helps us get to Cameron." She said as she started to walk around the hall looking for a nurse. As she walked through the hall, she saw a nurse,she started running up to her trying to ask for directions. The nurse turned around with this weird look on her face. Scared, Opal turned around and looked for other nurses but she returned to the girls.
A few minutes passed by but they didn't see anyone.

"Huh that's weird, aren't there usually nurses are walking around?" Naice stated

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"Huh that's weird, aren't there usually nurses are walking around?" Naice stated.
"Yeah, it's weird. It feels off AND I LOVE IT!" exclaimed Opal as she started to shake Naice back and forth trying not to get too excited.
"I mean yeah I guess you are right it's nice when it's quiet you never get to hear that in a hospital" responded Naice as she grabbed both Opal's arms to stop her from shaking her.
"Oops. Sorry, I overdid it again didn't I?" she muttered.
"Yeah but it's okay though, I do that too sometimes." Naice whispered. Viola on the other hand was not having it. She kept seeing doors open and shutting weird pictures on the wall thinking it was her imagination.
"G-guys, I don't think this is normal, I keep seeing things, it's weird, it's getting overwhelming," Viola muttered and she kept picking at her fingers trying to calm down, It got to the point where she sat down about to cry. Naice had a worried but sad expression on her face and went over to sit next to Viola and tried her best to comfort her "hey if you want to we can leave and visit Cameron another time. We don't want you to feel overwhelmed so if you want to we can go home and do something else?" Naice said in a kind tone to comfort Viola.
She thought about it and, well, Cameron and her are dating and she is worried about her partner. She got the courage to go and find out if her love was alright. "No no it's fine I'm doing this for Cameron . I miss them a lot and it would be nice to see them again and it would be relieving to see them.." she said as she hugged Naice.
"Okay if you say so, but are you sure?" Naice asked to make sure Viola calmed down, Viola nodded and they both got up to go with Opal. Opal, on the other hand, went to explore the rest of the hall she reached the end of it she heard a weird song and there was a nurse doing something she couldn't see well so she slowly turned the knob and pushed the door as she peaked through the gap of the door made the noise a deafening screeching noise that made the young girl cover her ears.
As the door cracked, Opal's heart dropped. The nurse turned fast at the door as Opal speed walked to Naice and Viola. "Where the fuck were you?" Naice asked in an angry yet curious tone.
"I-" She paused to inhale. "Found a nurse who might help us get over there. Follow me" Opal said through her hyperventilating.
"FINALLY!" Naice yelled in relief.
The two girls got up and followed Opal to the end of the hall.

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