Chapter 2

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''I've got eyes on him, Barton.''

Peter racks his mind but comes up empty, he's got absolutely no idea who Barton is. Fear uncoils inside his stomach, facing an unknown more daunting than the thought the Hulk might be skulking around the corner. The silence deafens as they size each other up, neither willing to give away their hand.

Ironman breaks first. His helmet retracts back into his suit, and even in these circumstances Peter can't help but gawp at the display. The line between magic and science seems blurred at first glance these days, he is living proof of that.

Peter's mask stays on but it's clear Stark knew that would be the case. With the metal barrier gone, Peter can get a better look at the older man. Streaks of grey run through the brown waves of his hair and the lines in his face seem deeper since he was last on TV, albeit most of his recent TV appearances are videos of him saving the world in his suit. Or sitting on the plump couch of a presenter's studio, on the type of shows where they can edit away the effects of stress with a few clicks. Privately Peter wonders at the cause, was it the Avengers or the deterioration of his marriage?

''So you coming up or?''

Trying to save face Spiderman scales back up the brick to stand on the edge, face to face with Ironman. ''You're looking for me?'' He'd lost his resolve mid-way through the sentence, turning the statement into a question, one that Stark doesn't bother to answer.

''You heard about the Sokovia Accords, right?''

Peter swallowed ''I heard about it.''

''Good, good. So I assume you're planning on making a pitstop to the tower tonight. Make sure you're registered since you clearly plan on keeping going with the whole 'Spidey' thing.''

Peter's stomach sinks to his feet, he'd heard of the Accords of course. For the first couple of weeks they had come into play he didn't go on patrol. It was only when he realised the government were only hunting heroes like Captain America and the Hulk did he risk going out. Evidently, they had moved onto smaller fish now. Still hoping there was a way to weasel himself out of this crisis Peter opens his mouth, ''You know I'd love to. I really would but it's a work night and I should really be getting back home.''

''Look you've just got to return to the tower with us. And you'll be right back down here in no time.'' With no opportunity to talk his way out presenting itself, Peter moves on to plan B. Running. Glancing behind, Peter shuffles backwards. Ironman hones in on the movement, the second it happens, ''Hey Webs you really don't want to do that.''

Ignoring him Peter takes a final step back, the air is frosty as he cuts through it before sending out his first web.

The chase begins.


His muscles scream out as he swings around another corner, with his feet skimming the opposing wall. His spidey sense only gives him a moment's notice of the next danger. Ricocheting off the next wall, a sonic blast grazes his side, sending him spinning in circles before catching himself on an old fire escape, the mental groaning under his weight. Despite its fiery appearance, the blast feels more like a punch to the gut rather than a burn, leaving him gasping for breath as he stumbles to his feet.

Leaping off the railing the next web he sends out is a moment too late, his stomach drops as he plummets down. Time slows, he lives every inch of descent as the concrete races toward him. Yanking hard on the white rope, he skims the floor before ascending once more, heart jumping as he hears a familiar voice behind him. An X-ray isn't necessary for him to realize he's damaged his arm, the pain lacing through it tells him all he needs to know.

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