where it all started.

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intro - Georgia is 18 years old living in london. Jude is a 19 year old professional footballer also living in london but travelling for football.
Amelie is 17 years old and is Georgias best friend living in Germany(dortmund.)

hope you guys enjoy the story!! 💛🖤

Georgia pov /

I checked the time on my phone. 11:57am. FUCK. I was supposed to be meeting my best friend Ami today as she is visiting from Germany. We have been best friends forever since we were born. She moved to Germany (dortmund) for her mums new job when we started high school and she has still always been my best friend. High school was probably the worst experience of my life so i'm glad it's over with. The only thing that kept me going was the fact i knew Ami was visiting in the summer. She came every single summer and we basically spend every second together. I jump out of bed and throw on whatever clothes i can find in my wardrobe. I grab a drink and rush out of the house.

Ami pov /

I have been waiting for Georgia for half an hour but i'm used to it now. She is always late but i don't really mind. FINALLY!! "GEORGIAAAA OMGG" i scream as i see her walk through the doors. I run up to her and give her a big hug as i haven't seen her in a few months. As she is late, i already have my coffee so she heads up to the counter to order.

Georgia pov /

I walk up to the counter and order my usual. The coffee shop was very empty as it always is at this time as it closes soon. I grab my coffee and head back to Ami's table but instead a tall man gets in my way and causes me to spill my coffee all down my white hoodie i was wearing.
"WHAT THE FUCK" I yell without even thinking.

Jude's pov /

"SHIT IM SO SORRY" i say. She stares at me for a moment then apologies for shouting at me as it was an accident.. "Hey i have a spare hoodie in my car if you want it's parked right outside" i say. She thinks for a moment then agrees.

Georgia pov /

"Hey i hope your not gonna kidnap me or anything" i say. He just laughes at me and reassures me he won't. When we reach his car i'm really impressed. He drives such an expensive car and he looks young too. I take the hoodie from his hands and head back into the cafe. When i come out of the bathroom i thank him and apologise again for shouting at him when it was a clear accident. He apologised back and i go and sit back down next to Ami. He sits on the opposite side of the room next to his friend. Ami is sat their with the biggest smile on her face and we both start laughing. I can't stop staring at him. He looks so familiar. So does his friend.

Jude pov /
As i'm talking to Gio (his friend) I can feel her staring at me i look over and we make eye contact for at least 10 seconds before Gio stands in-front of me. I start laughing as i realised what just happened.

Georgia pov /

Two young boys run into the coffee shop and start shouting "JUDE BELLINGHAM  AND GIO REYNA" omg i think to myself that's where i know them from. Ami's head turns within less than a second.

Ami pov /

As soon as i hear them names i instantly turn my head. NO WAY. i jump up and go over to them. I ask for a photo and then me and Georgia need to leave. My dad is a huge football fan and Jude Bellingham is one of his favourite players so he will be very jealous i met them ahaha!!

Chapter 2 is on its way!! Hope you guys like the story so far. chapter 2 spoiler- ( Georgia ends up in Jude Bellinghams bedroom )
bye guys hope u have a good day/night 🫶🫶

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