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Yoongi gets home to his apartment room late that night, eager to take a long ass shower.

He smells like fish, marine shit and salt.

Without a moment's hesitation, he discards his clothes into a waste basket and hops into the shower, turning on the showerhead and exhales as warm water droplets makes their way onto his skin. He grabs some soap and a scrubbing glove and tries to wash away the smelly scent of the ocean, although it may have comforted him for a while. He has also washed his hair in the process, since there are little bits of seaweed stuck in it. How had they gotten there? He doesn't know.

When he is sure he no longer reeks of fish piss, he turns off the water, reaches out of the shower curtain to grab a towel then wraps it around his lower half, securing it tightly.

He breathes out again as he steps out of the shower, making his way to his bedroom to get ready for a good night's rest.

The real expedition begins the day after tomorrow.

That, is just merely child's play.

He hops into bed, making himself comfortable before picking up his phone and scrolling through his posts. He is surprised about the millions of likes that each post has, maybe people like the underwater scenery or the marine creatures. Maybe they like the little facts in which he put as captions under each post. He doesn't know.

He scrolls down to his very first post from five years ago and smiles.

The picture is the first official one he has taken with his first professional camera and not his cellphone. It is a picture of the sunset from underwater, where the colours miraculously make everything look better.

The caption reads this:

My dream came true! I got accepted into the HYBE Marinal Research Lab! I can't wait to start working with the people there!

Yoongi then chuckles when he rereads the comments.

Namjoon was the one to answer first, with 'Congratulations! I'll await your presence soon!' Then Hoseok commented on the post, 'Really? Mr. Bang didn't tell me about a new employee? We'll see ;).'

He turns over onto his side as he then scrolls upwards, looking at how far he has gotten before his eyelids grow heavy. He yawns, stretching before placing his phone on the bedside table to let it charge before slipping into the comforting kingdom of Dreams.

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He wakes up to the annoying rings of his alarm clock, signaling that his time in Dreamland is up. He curses as he sits up, feeling a bit groggy as he squints his eyes to check the time.

5:55 a.m.

He stretches as he gets out of bed, and immediately started groaning as the pins and needles has started to kick in, causing him to fall back on the bed. After a few seconds is when the numbing feeling starts to slow down to a slight pinch before vanishing completely. He stands up once more, making sure that his legs are fully awake, then moves to the bathroom so he can engage in his daily routine.

After showering, he puts on some casual clothing which made him feel comfortable in his own skin, and heads to the kitchen to make himself a simple breakfast, nothing much. Just enough to give him energy for the day ahead. "I'll just grab a cup of coffee on the way," he looks at his watch.

Yoongi makes his way to the front door, taking his bag with him and slipping on his shoes which are left on the mat. Once outside, he quickly makes his way to his car and unlocks it, slipping inside before inserting the key into the ignition and turning it.

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