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MY FRIENDS FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS GUY CALLED SEAN MENDEZ AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! His birthday is July 8! That's my birthday OMG!! Okay also, he first got popular from Youtube! Can you believe that? People are so wrong when they say he came from Vine! HES FROM YOUTUBE UGH. His first song was called As Long As You Love Me! His song is soo good. I am so glad my friends told me about him! SEAN MENDEZ IS MY BAE SO BACK OFF OMG. I heard he's part of this group called Magcun! Magcun is made up of these group of Youtubers and they meet fans and do dances on stage. I only watched one video that someone recorded of them! Theres this dance called My Milkshake Brings All The Boys To The Yard! I love that song omg. I also love Matt Espinosuh he's so cute! K bai diary! BTW SEAN MENDEZ IS MINE SO BACK OFF!

{AN} This chapter made me laugh so hard omg. If you haven't noticed it's a diary of a newborn.

Boring but sad news- My iPod had it's data erased and I'm sad now. I have an iPod 5 bc I can't have a phone. MY iPod IS WHAT I USE TO UPDATE AND READ ON WATTPAD SO YEAH.

Twitter- shxwnsguitxr

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