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Waking up early in the morning is never and easy thing to do. Especially when it's a Monday morning, and the first day of school. For me it's pretty easy. You see my name is Samantha White; Sam as I'd prefer it, and you've probably never heard of me before. Hell people I've been going to school with all my life have no idea who I am. I'm just pretty much invisible.

Every year I walk down those dumb hallways of East Ridge High School and I literally become a ghost. People step on my, shoes, shove me, and even walk into me when I'm right in front of them. Pathetic I know. But I like it that way, and have no intention of changing that anytime soon, even if it's my last year of high school.

I yawned getting up from my bed, and walking to the bathroom. I decided on taking a quick shower although I took one last night. I guess it's my ocd. After getting out the shower I went to my closet which consisted of only white, blue, and black colors. Literally. I chose a white collared shirt with a blue sweater over it, and some black straight cut jeans. I know it's summer and I should probably wear shorts so I won't get heat stroke, but it's not like anyone would notice. I took my towel off my hair, letting my brown waves fall down my back. I quickly slipped into a pair of black flats and ran downstairs.

"Morning mom; dad." I greeted my parents.

"Good morning Samantha. How was your night?" My father asked.

"Sam". I corrected. "It was okay how about yours"? I asked.

"Perfect". My father said looking toward my mother.

I inwardly groaned facing the other way, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Nice to know". I muttered.

I sat at the kitchen table across from my father as my mother placed a cup of coffee and a plate with eggs and toast in front of me. I glanced down at my plate, as always confused by what my mother cooks. We've been vegetarians for as long as I could remember. I think she thinks anything without meat is a  vegetarian meal.

I looked across the table at my father, who was reading the morning paper; I didn't even know we still got every morning. I mean it is the 21st sentry. He was wearing his suite as usual, and my mother is a pants suite. They're realitors and own a ton of properties that never get sold. Yep we're one small, rich, failure, we like to call family.

After eating I went back to my room to grab my backpack so I wouldn't be late on the first day of school. I took my phone off my bed and noticed I received at message, from a new website called Chat Mate. I learned about it from my popular cousins and decided to see what was so special about it.

Invisibleguy: "Hey."

Invisiblegirl: "You stole my name!"

Who was this kid and why was he messaging me?

Invisibleguy: "Actually I joined a year ago, you joined yesterday..."

Invisiblegirl: "Right well then hi."

Invisibleguy: "How are you?"

Invisiblegirl: "I'm stressed because now I'm late for school."

Invisibleguy: "Haha so am I. I'll chat with you later then mate. Get it?"

Invisiblegirl: "yeah haha? I guess we'll talk later."

That was weird nobody's ever text me before, let alone messaged me on some weird website. I just shrugged it off and went to my car after saying goodbye to my parents.

I turned on the radio and enjoyed the sound of Ed Sheeran flowing through my jeep. I hummed along to the song until my ten minutes of bliss was quickly over. I chose an empty parking spot towards the front of the building. I got out the jeep and examined the school building, and kids surrounding it.

To the left there were the terrified freshman following their friends around, about to get lost already. Then next to them were the sophomore students a bit excited knowing they're not the youngest anymore. Then the juniors looking board as ever wondering when the school year will end. And finally the seniors. The only group going mad crazy at 8:00am. I looked over at the younger classmen who seemed to notice all the chaos. You'd think it was the end of the last day of school.

Sighing I picked up my backpack and headed towards the front entrance. I decided to go straight to my locker since I didn't have any friends to catch up with. I dialed in my combination to see my fresh clean locker since freshman year. I looked around me to see all the other lockers surrounding me, in which most had dents, writing on it, and even old gum stuck to me. I cringed and unpacked my backpack knowing I wouldn't need much for the first day.

I turned around and closed my locker about to head to my homeroom, when a guy walked past dropping a paper next to my feet.

" Um...excuse." I said which barely came out as a squeek. "Hey!" I shouted running to catch up to him.

Was it just me not being fit enough, or was this guy in a hurry?

"Yes?"He asked concerned, seeing my now red face. I looked up at him after catching my breath. I looked straight into his baby blue eyes, which only took my breath away again. I didn't recognize him, for he must be a new student.

"Your paper". I panted. "You dropped your paper."

"Oh, thank you." He smiled brightly showing his perfect white teeth.

"Sure." I gave him a tight lipped smile before turning on my heel to leave.

Wow. Wow was all I could say about this new guy. He was the definition of perfect. And he actually saw me, I was no ghost to him. So this is what it feels like to have a crush on someone. I've never had one of those before.

Okay okay calm down Sam he's just a boy. A cute boy. Oh no; a cute boy in this school means all the girls will be falling at his feet. And he looked athletic, maybe a football player? So much for getting noticed; a week tops he won't even remember I exist.

Hey guys so what did you think so far. This is my first story so I'd love to get your opinions on how it is so far. Let me know if I should continue on not. If you did enjoy the prorogue please vote and comment I'd really love the support. Follow my account and I'll follow back pinky swear. Love all of you!


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