Part one: Narrators POV

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Oh shit! Tula thought, waking up in a panicked sweat. She had slept completely passed her alarm that was supposed to wake her up for jazz band. She jumped out of bed, frantically got dressed, rushed out of the door, and went straight to the school.

Hopefully Mr. Music isnt mad. Tula thought with a million questions running through her mind as she entered the school building. As she approached the door to jazz band, she could already see her through the small rectangle- shaped window. Wow. Tula could just look at her all day, with her silky short hair, her perfect smile, the small freckles scattered across her face, her unique style, her bubbly humor, the list goes on and on.

''Why, look who's late!'' Called Mr. Music as Tula opened the door.
A rush of embarrassment flushed through her body. She could feel her cheeks burning and turning bright red. ''Sorry.'' Tula muttered as she walked slowly towards band. She noticed the two girls, Lhamo and Diana, giggling together as usual. Jeez, they are so annoying. Tula thought as she secretly rolled her eyes.

''Hey,'' whispered Irene from behind her. ''You're late.'' she said again, in a tone that made Tula's stomache do backflips. ''No shit,'' Tula replied, trying to act as casual as possible, though the butterflies were uncontrollable. Tula knew she couldnt keep this little ''crush'' a secret for too long. She decided today would be the day she tells her best friend, Reed. Hopefully I can trust her. Tula wished.

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