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Amelia's backstory:
Amelia and her parents got in a car accident when she was 4 years old. And sadly she was the only one who survived. Her aunt on her fathers side took her in and watched her until she was 16. When Amelia got raped by her aunts boyfriend she told the police and then got put back into foster care. She was only in foster care for 2 weeks but then got adopted by Jenifer and David Shepherd.

Jackson's backstory:
Jackson's biological father abused him and his mother for 14 years, until one day Jackson went to middle school with a black eye and the school called the police. After Jackson's father got put in prison his mother filed for divorce. After the divorce was complete, Jackson's mother started looking for someone new. She started dating a man named James Anderson. They got married when Jackson was 17. And had Jackson's little brother Carson 1 year after they got married.

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