Chapter 15- When worst gets worst

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Chapter 15-

My mind has already made up the plan by the time I'm at the closet. I grab my old backpack off the top shelf and start shoving most of the clothes I have in it. I put a few other things I might need from around my room and zip up the backpack. I then run downstairs and notice dad isn't in the kitchen anymore. I find plenty of food from the cabinets to bring with me and run back upstairs. I also took a bit of money for any troubles. I shove everything in the backpack and it manages to fit. I then go to my desk and pull out a piece of paper and a pencil. When I am done writing a letter to my parents, I place it down on my desk with the pencil. Right there for them to find. I can head people talking downstairs near the living room in front of the house. Good thing my bedroom is above the kitchen. I am about to jump out the window when something catches my eye. A glint of gold in an open velvet box. I scurry to grab the necklace. The necklace that says Payne. I clasp it around my neck and say a goodbye to my new life. Time to welcome my old life. I jump from the window, escaping any injury this time, and run for the other side of town. I run as far as I can. Away from my family. Away from the house. The bullies. Away from Brent. The only person who had ever really been my friend. I have an urge to go back, but push myself forwards. I wasn't going to stop here. I was too far and had already made my decision. When I'm sure I've at least passed 4 towns in the opposite direction of the house it's dark. I decide it's time for sleep and peak around trying to find a place to rest. That's when I hear it. A soft whisper, just loud enough for me to hear. Just like it used to happen before. The only voice that truly will always send the most discomfort into every crevice of my body. I can feel myself starting to sweat even though it's winter.

"Come here little child." It whispers, sending chills through my body, "Its been a long time sweetie." I should run but I'm paralyzed with fear. I can't seem to move my feet. I finally turn to face the alley as I feel a sharp shove in my back. I land face first on the ground, scraping up my body pretty bad.

"Aileen, it's been so long." The voice says. My brain knows who it is but I won't accept it. I can feel someone pin me down on the ground. As if I wad going anywhere. I can feel a rope being placed in my mouth and I try to struggle and get free.

"You know not to struggle Aileen." The male voice growls.

"You haven't forgotten us and our methods of raising in those short 7 years, have you?" The first voice says.

"We searched everywhere when you left," The man says tying knots around my limbs, "Even called the police."

"We were worried about you sweetie." The woman says in a soft voice.

"After all this time we finally found you." He says. He then turns me to face him and they're so real and here I make some sort of scream/laugh/crying noise.

"And you're not getting away this time." Mark says smirking with Josephine behind him.


Sorry the chapters are short!!

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