Shizuoka Okami

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Shizuoka Okami had been homeschooled ever since she was seven years old. Ever since her mother was killed by a villain who had the same abilities as her father, he had been wary to let her out of his sight. Shizuoka remembered her mother's death like it was yesterday. The pain was still fresh to the fifteen year old girls heart. She tried to bury it in her heart so she wouldn't feel the pain, but the throbbing in her chest never went away. The girl even had scars from the attack with the villain. He had claws and he had raked them across her back when she was seven years old. Shizuoka's parents were heroes and they had Quirks that Shizuoka now possessed.

Her father had a wolf Quirk. He had wolf ears, canine teeth, and sometimes acted like a wolf. He was strong, agile, and he had claws that he could call at any moment. He could also go into Beast mode, which is when all of his senses are heightened, his strength is doubled, his speed is unbelievable, and his claws were stronger. He had black hair and silver eyes that shone in the darkness, striking fear in the hearts of villains. His name was Hiro. Now, Shizuoka's mother, her name was Mariko. She had purple hair and startling blue eyes that looked like crystals. Her Quirk was that she could make swords and knives appear in her hands with her mind. She pressed her hands together and a sword or a knife would appear. But, if she used too much energy, she would get nose-bleeds and lose her strength. Which lead to her passing out.

Shizuoka, had inherited her father's wolf ears, canine teeth, strength and agility. Though, she did not get the claws and they did not know if she could do Beast mode yet because, well, she was only a child. It occured when they were high school age. She inherited her mother's purple hair and her eyes were two different colors. Her right eye was silver while her left eye was startling blue. She also inherited her mothers Quirk, which Shizuoka thought was so cool when she was five years old. That's when Quirks usually appeared in children. She was quick to show her friends of what she could do, feeling proud. Her parents told her to be careful because she could potentially hurt someone. She nodded in understanding and decided to show her friends on the last day of school.

When the day came and recess had started, she showed her friends the Quirks she inherited. They gaped at her as she showed them what she could do. That day she had made a vow to become a hero that protects everyone. And when her mother was killed and they had to bury her, she vowed to find the villain who had killed her and get justice for her mother.

This year she was entering high school. She asked her father if she could apply to U.A. High School, which was a prestigious school for kids with Quirks who wanted to become heroes. Her father was hesitant at first, but he realized that he couldn't keep her locked up forever and he wanted her to succeed. He wanted his little girl to be happy and if this is what made her happy, he would let her.

Shizuoka sent her application in the mail and was counting down the days until the exams to see if she was worthy of entering the school. She didn't know what to expect from the test, but she would train and study until the day arrived. Her father helped her train and taught her different sword and knife techniques that her mother used and Shizuoka was grateful for it.

The day finally came when she would be tested to see if she would be accepted into the prestigious school. Her father walked her to the school, being the overprotective father he was, and he hoped that his daughter would make it. He knew the promise she had made, even though she was so young, and was utterly proud of her. His daughter took in the size of the school before her. Hiro could see that his daughter was nervous.

"Good luck, alright?" he says, trying to encourage his daughter. "Just do your best. Come here."

He hugged his daughter, giving her a noogie in the process. "Dad," she giggled. "Come on, you're messing up my hair."

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