Smut warning ⚠️

Soobin had two

The shy soft one where all he dose is eat bread and then there's the dark mysterious Soobin who is emotionless and all he could think about was sex

Yeonjun loved both but in this situation he was switching back and fourth why can't there be in the middle where it's just soobin

Yeonjun moaned into the kiss and  slowly laid down on the bed while Soobin sticked hickeys onto yeonjun pale milky skin
Soobin took off his tie he wearing and put it around yeonjuns eyes of course asking if he could yeonjun nodded and it went black
All he could see was the light from the bathroom

Yeonjun put all his trust into Soobin, he soon felt cold hands around his thighs he shivered at the feeling

Soobin slowly pulled down yeonjuns pants for a second yeonjun felt nothing then felt a warm sensation on his member
"Ah~ shit~ binnie~" yeonjun moaned out loud
Feeling Soobins tongue around him

Yeonjun was about put his hand on Soobin head but Soobin caught it got mid air yeonjun didn't know what soobin was doing all he heard was something opening and Soobin pulling something out

Yeonjun felt something near his head and felt soobin breathing down his neck Soobin started to nibble on yeonjun earlob and slowly whispered to yeonjun in a dark husky voice
"Hands together or else"
As soon as Soobin said that yeonjun put his hands together not wanting to disobey

Yeonjun felt Soobin take his hands and hand cuffed him

Yeonjun wasn't into any kinky stuff just some plain old sex but another reason he wasn't into that kinda shit was because he never tried it before
But now as yeonjun was blind folded hand cuffed and naked
He was changing his mind

"Now look what we have here~" Soobin said in a dark husky voice that sent chills through out yeonjun body
"My best friend all naked for me you know we could put that mouth of yours to use~"
Soobin said inches to yeonjun face

"Knees now" Soobin said in a strict voice and not gonna lie yeonjun was loving it
Yeonjun got on his knees not wanting to disobey
Soobin yeonjun was about it say something but was cut off when Soobin slammed into yeonjun mouth

Soobin pulled in and out of the older and watch as tears started to form at the corner of yeonjuns eyes
And how yeonjun lips were all pink and red due to Soobin putting himself into yeonjun mouth

Yeonjun wanted to stop soobin movement he was going to fast yeonjun felt like he was drowning in soobins love
Yeonjun soon remembered like Soobin didn't love yeonjun like he loved Soobin
But yeonjun will still do anything that soobins says he didn't care if it was toxic he wanted Soobin to love him and if this is how Soobin wants to love yeonjun yeonjun will take every shot he gets to get soobins love

Soobin pulled out letting yeonjun get some air
Yeonjun coughed and cleaned up the spit that left his mouth now on his neck rolling down
Soobin on the other hand took another huff of his vape knowing that was yeonjun was turn on for the older

Yeonjun felt the smoke in his face and smiled at the feeling
Yeonjun layed back and bit his lip yeonjun once again felt Soobin cold lips melt onto his
Yeonjun tasted the nasty smoke in his mouth but the taste of yeonjun minty mouth it was like if Soobin was a key hole missing the key but the key was yeonjun

𝓜𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 ♪Where stories live. Discover now