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A long time ago there was a spark between two people. A spark that would have lasted forever. A spark that would guide a man's hand around a woman's cheek or have a woman accept that she was destined to have his children. There was a little bit of that. Just a sliver is all. Two people were drifted apart by an unknown force. Leaving the product of their spark to an orphanage. Both now strangers leaving no clue to who the 3 year old girl that sat on the wet porch in front of the Wildwarft Orphanage in a part of Millet that was not so familiar to her. Her pink beanie caught the little bit of rain that fell.

" Look Gorgon, someone has left this poor infant to get a cold in this rain."

" Alicia," He said from a distance " this is the third stoep child this year, and it's only May, one of them was bound for the rain."

" What should we name her?"

"Pluie. It's French for rain."

" Why do they all have to have a special meaning, Gorgon? Besides, I think she looks like a Caddie."

" I believe that they should have some sort of parent, and the day they have arrived should be their new parent. For that day is what gave birth to them in their new life. A life where we will be their guardians and brothers and sisters will be unalike." Alicia smiled at another one of his wise quotes that often escaped his mouth.

" Wait, we don't even know what she remembers. She seems to be three years of age. Sweetie," she said, taking the whimpering child's hand," tell me all about yourself." The door closed as they walked in and the young night was quiet with the kids in their reading time. The patter of rain taunted the roof, never really stopping but always dripping onto its shingles.

" Nothing." Gorgon then picked up the child and removed the cap. He nearly gasped but held back the daring breath in order to leave the child in peace. Blood all over the left side of her face. Some was dry whereas some of the blood was so fresh the brightness of it blinded him. His eyes were not so easily controlled as they enlarged to let the true emotion through. Alicia, confused, dropped her smile and took a double look at the child and Gorgon. Once she got a better view from behind the tall wrinkled man by standing on the tips of her tapes, careful not to let the weight of her belly fall forward, she understood.

" Let's get you to a bath Pluie," Alicia said with a plastered smile not to cause alarm. Leading them up the grand steps that showed as soon as you entered. Pluie was confused. Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked at the old man with a quiver in her lip.

" That's your name. Pluie." He then gently put back on the beanie and held her head close to his chest as he followed Alicia up the brown steps. He handed off the child once they got to the fork. Gordon gave Alicia Pluie and watched as they went right, up to the girl dorms. He turned to the left and went to the boys' dorms.

About an hour later, the bath was done and the gash glued together with butterfly band aids. Pluie now wore little white booties and a light green nightgown with a pretty lace outlining her neck. Alicia walked into the girls common room, baby on hip. The room had a carpet with a beige and maroon coloring where the designs were in all maroon and got more spread out the closure you got the the walls and the beige just kinda sat there waiting to be greeted by the more liked color. There was lovely furniture of similar color pallets. All different types. A book self was the whole left wall. It was so stacked that some had to be laid on the floor. On the opposing side was the hall full of the dorms that the girls slept in and about 10 feet from where Alicia stood, the walls went diagonal and the room narrowed a few feet. If you were to keep walking the narrowed bit ended in another ten feet with a bay window and chair in random places as well as art decorating the wall.

" Girls," she said, grasping the attention of all, "We have been blessed with another stoop child. Her name is Pluie, and we know nothing else about her. I would like Elizabeth to get out the census book and write her name as Pluie Wildwarft and her birthday as today, May 12 but the year to be 1985. I believe she is around three." Elizabeth did as told and when finished took the baby from Alicia's grasp. " I would like her in the nursery and for you to put her to bed at 7 and check up on her before you go to bed."

" Yes Ms.Alicia." She then slightly hugged her, being careful not to crush the baby. While there were Mr. And Mrs. Titles, they were their parents. Some of the only ones they've ever known. Elizabeth had brown eyes and her blonde hair was french braided back. Freckles danced on her nose, only her nose, and she was quite tall and thin. Putting her to bed a tear fell down her cheek. She was once a stoep child too. Except she remembered it all. The car drove away as a little five year old sobbed. A toy bunny in her hand watching her parents leave her since theft was in money trouble and couldn't afford her. She was happy Pluie would never have such a memory but still gave her the tear stained bunny that got her through the past eleven years. Hoping it would be stained with tea from play parties and not muffled tears, Elizabeth kissed the toy goodbye. Then calmly closed the door as she walked out to go back to playing her game of Black Jack with pieces of hard candy.

Oh what a life that was about to begin none of them could ever think of.

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