Chapter 3: grumble

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In fact, according to the height at which the ice cubes fell, the hardness of the white eggshell would not be cracked by a single blow.

Although Song Wen was puzzled, he didn't think too much about it. Perhaps the white egg was about to be cracked by the low temperature, and his blow just hit the crack.

With the result, Song Wen was refreshed, shook his hair, pushed a block of ice, and climbed to the highest piece of broken ice again, but this time his luck was not so good, Even though he carefully slammed down on the crack, the eggshell remained motionless.

However, Song Wen was not angry at all.

After all, he also knew that his current small body was too weak.

It was not so easy to eat a bite of food.

Fortunately, he had nothing else to do here. A lot of time is spent on this white egg.

It's just that he didn't expect that it would take a long time.

Song Wen didn't know how many times he had pushed the broken ice up and down.

Even the white egg was covered with a thick layer of broken ice.

Speaking of breaking the eggshell and tasting the delicious egg liquid, even the surface of the eggshell is just a few more inconspicuous cracks than at the beginning.

"Are you a stone egg?" Song Wen panted and sat down next to Baidan, and kicked Baidan with his paw angrily.

With such strength, Baidan naturally remained motionless.

On the contrary, Song Wen's paw was a little numb because he didn't control the strength of this kick, and finally he could only retract his short legs resentfully.

The breeze was blowing gently, and the sun was warm today, making Song Wen drowsy. He is still a cub now, and he has been busy for a long time, and he is already tired.

From his point of view, through the cracks in the broken ice, he could see the group of emperor penguins not far away.

Although he didn't agree that he was of the same species as them, he watched the adult emperor penguins caring for their cubs.

In the picture, Song Wen felt extremely at ease.

He seemed to hear the novice mother calling him in a trance.

Of course, Song Wen understood that it was just his own illusion.

After all, he was not the cub of the novice mother, let alone he could not understand.

Even if the emperor penguin could understand the words, he couldn't respond to the novice mother's call.

Probably because the surroundings were too quiet, Song Wen only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he yawned big with his bird's beak open, Song Wen actually just fell asleep leaning on the white egg.

Without the warm fur protection of an adult emperor penguin, Song Wen didn't sleep soundly this time.

He seemed to hear the crisp cracking sound of the eggshell.

But after thinking about the temperature outside, even the egg liquid would have been frozen into a stone long ago.

Song Wen thought for a while, then probed into the eggshell, the inside of the eggshell was dark, like a huge black hole, even the sunlight from outside was swallowed up by the eggshell, Song Wen was wondering, and then his eyes met A pair of big cold eyes met.

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