Chapter 8: snowstorm

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The blizzard came much later than Song Wen expected, but once the wind started blowing, it would not stop until the blizzard ended.

If Song Wen could look down from a high place, he would see the most spectacular natural scene on this frozen land.

Tens of thousands of emperor penguins are stacked tightly one on top of the other, with their heads buried in the gaps. Only their dark backs are exposed in the blizzard, as if they have been carefully trained to block all the wind and snow. Come down and provide warmth for your cubs.

Although the new mother hurriedly hurried away, she still wasted a little time looking for Song Wen. When she rushed back to the group, she could only lean on the outermost edge, but even the outermost wind blocker The fleshy wall of snow and the new mother's fur are also very warm. Until the chicks grow up enough to go to sea, they only need to accept the protection of adult emperor penguins.

It wasn't until nightfall that Song Wen began to hear the howling wind outside. He poked his head to look outside, but as soon as he pulled back his fur, he was hit by a big mouthful of cold wind. The little yellow chicken pecked Song Wen's hair worriedly. The sound of the wind outside made it instinctively feel dangerous.

There was no moon or starlight, and it was pitch black outside. Only a few emperor penguins nearby could be vaguely recognized. Their chicks were tightly protected in their pouches and were chirping slightly uneasily, but soon, These childish sounds were blown away by the strong wind and snow.

The temperature in the snowstorm dropped very quickly. Song Wen was frozen to the bone just after he poked his head out for a moment. He really couldn't imagine how these emperor penguins could withstand such severe cold. There was no need to worry that new mothers would hear such rumors. You can hear the crow of the little yellow chicken, but even if you can hear it, I'm afraid it won't have time to pay attention to it at this time. But the little yellow chicken still obeyed without making any sound.

"It's okay, don't be afraid. If you're sleepy, just sleep for a while. When you wake up, the storm will stop." Song Wen comforted.

The little yellow chicken rubbed Song Wen's face. Although it was indeed so sleepy that its eyelids were shaking, how could the little yellow chicken sleep peacefully in such weather, even if this was the first time it had encountered since it hatched? There is a snowstorm, but the experience in the inheritance has told it the dangers of this kind of severe cold weather. Even the cubs of their race will be frozen to death in such a snowstorm.

The space on the instep of a new mother is limited, and even turning around is difficult after squeezing in two cubs. Song Wen could only stay close to the little yellow chicken, and he had to carefully protect the little yellow chicken from falling off the instep of the new mother. In such an environment, if they fell outside, even the new mother would There was no time to pick Song Wen back up.

The emperor penguins didn't just huddle together and stop moving all night. Although the emperor penguins outside to protect themselves from the wind and snow endured all the cold, the emperor penguins squeezed in the middle were so hot that they felt like they were in summer. , the temperature there is very high. If you stay in such high temperature all the time, the emperor penguins will feel uncomfortable, and may even suffocate in severe cases. Therefore, every once in a while, the emperor penguins will move, and the emperor penguins outside will move. Slowly lean in, and the emperor penguins inside will become a new wall of flesh and stay on the outside to block the wind and snow.

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