Is This Love?

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I've heard of love.

A love so beautiful that it brings out tears of anyone who listens.

It starts like a fairytale and goes towards its happy ending.

Even long distances couldn't tear their hearts away.

But temptations came and found their way, into the lives of these two love souls.

Broke their hearts and left a deep hole.

She travelled to surprise him on the day of his birth,

but she was the one who got the surprise as she stood behind him, unnoticed

while he held another close.

Just like that, went crashing down a whole decade of their love.

For she was shown no mercy by the one writing her story up above.

She forgave but couldn't forget,

tried to move on so that she doesn't regret.

Love, was all she had asked.

But now they walk on completely different paths.

She couldn't forsake the memories they made together.

As he was the one who had promised her forever.

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