He's the demon king?!

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Your POV: 

I opened the door without knocking and saw the principal who was dealing with some paperwork.

Upon seeing me he tensed up and paled. I don't know why, but he sure was scared of angels.
I marched to him with a serious expression.

"Explain what you know about the current demon king. You know why we are here, explain." I demanded.

He swallowed before speaking, "Well we know that he is here, we know who he is and we know how he got here." With every word he spat them faster and faster.

I got a bit angry, the whole walk here was a pain. I had been overthinking everything and they all just clicked. Everything clicked and I had been angry at myself, but now when I was looking at the principal I couldn't feel anything else but spite.

"I know that! Explain! I demand an explanation!" My nails dug into my skin and golden blood seeped out.

"Well.. about a year ago some of my students were given a task on summoning a demon, as you can see they succeeded. But they summoned a human. Or that is what they thought before seeing a sigil on his back. It disappeared as soon as it appeared though." He shakily explained.

A moment of silence. His hard breathing annoyed me a bit, I stared at his shaking figure with wide eyes and furrowed brows.

"You went against blessers morals and kept a demon in your academia. All Hopes High is supposed to be the safest place for a human, it has been like that for centuries you bastard!"

My voice boomed throughout the room, I rarely got mad, but when I did it was not a pleasing experience.

He sat still, completely paralyzed. His eyes were wide with fear. I spot fear of dying in his eyes and I scoffed, it was against angel's morals to kill a human and I for one followed them.

"Stand." I commanded.
He stood up. Not like he had a choice, a command from an angel is law to human ears.

I sat on his chair and glared at him, "Who is the current demon king?"

"Charon." He replied.

"I know that! What do you call him by?" I harshly asked.

I felt my blood run cold, eyes wide I stared at him, "I'm sorry I didn't quite hear you could you repeat that?" I leaned forward, interest replacing my anger from before.

"We call him by Belial." He quivered.

I leaned back into my chair and massaged my temple, "This is just some joke, this mission is a joke.." I mumbled to myself before standing up and getting out of the principal's office without even saying a word.

I flied to the academia's roof and sat down to watch the sunset.

It all made sense now. How I couldn't read him, how the other demons called him 'his majesty', how the demon in the forest didn't eat him.. how could he even have a demon presence when he himself doesn't know he is one?

The sky blushed and trees hummed. I looked at them. Truly, in normal conditions I would feel pretty relaxed, but now I had just found out that one of my friends is a demon, a demon king to be exact.

Suddenly, a pack of birds flew in the air, their panicked state alerted me. 
I squinted my eyes and indeed a few leaves rustled more than necessary in the demonic forest.

"Again? Seriously?" I asked myself in disbelief and flew down.

As I was flying closer I noticed that there were three demons, discussing about something.

I flew closer, "Excuse me, but this area is permitted for you." I glared at them and they grimaced.

"We want to receive his majesty as much as you do, now please let us through so we could get him. We don't want anything to do with humans we just want our king back." One pleaded and I scoffed.

"You demons are the lowest of low, how could I trust you not to harm anyone? You must think that angels are dumb huh?" I summoned my scythe and pointed at them with it.

They looked at each other before looking back at me with disappointment, "So angels are truly a prideful race huh?" The second one muttered.

"I'm already having as bad day as it can get, can't you just give up?" I sneered.

They nodded to each other before trying to attack me in sync. As they were in the air the time seemed to slow down and I sliced their heads all at once. 

Everything went back to normal the moment their heads touched the ground. Black blood oozing everywhere.

I quickly flew back to my campus, through my opened window I managed to fly back into my room. With heavy breaths I went to wash myself from their filthy blood that was slowly turning acid.

Belial truly is the king huh? Then I will have to protect him from the filthy demons. He doesn't know he is one! That means that he isn't a demon at heart! Meaning I can protect him from his fate.

I stripped my clothes and got into the tub, pushing my hair back I closed my eyes.

I'm going crazy..

Is this the effect he has on me? Does he know what he's doing to me? 
He is making my soul quiver, is he unconsciously trying to make me a demon? What is happening to me?

I am slowly going insane and I'm so, so scared of myself. 
When did it start?
Since when have I been easily aggravated? 

I felt tired and jumped onto my bed, not even bothering to get inside my blanket I fell into a deep, deep slumber.


I jolted awake. Huh? 

I looked around, 'Oh I'm just in my campus. Right.' 
I got out of my bed and looked into the mirror. Inside I saw a demon with a crown coming out of his skull. 

My eyes widened with horror, "What? What am I seeing?" 
"Your reflection dumbass," my mirror spoke to me.

I looked at my shaking hands to see them black, completely black. 

I screamed and looked around. 
"Oh it was just a dream.." I rested my hands between my knees, "what a horrible dream." I dryly chuckled.

I stayed like that for 30 minutes, listening to what the birds had to say.

Belial.. he was the source of my bad luck, yet I couldn't pull myself away from him. I just couldn't.

August's secret for today⛷️:

Belial had been searching for [name] for the entire day because he wanted to confess that he had been holding back during their training.

BONUS: The demons were telling the truth.

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