Jame Essay (BAD)

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1. What does your main character want more than anything in the world?

Cammy is our female heroine of the Clone High Series. Her father is the best Clone in the world and also has the most accolades to boot. He is always away while at home Cammy is upholding the status quo by being the best of the best of her peers. Cammy never truly wanted this however. She imposed it upon herself to live up to her father's legacy despite him saying she was free to choose. Now in this self-imposed cage of horror Cammy wants out. She wants to give the throne to Thomas, marry him and become a journalist that lives a normal life.

To start, she wants to give the throne to Thomas. She is sick having to deal with the struggles of being at the top alone and never truly wanted to be there. However, Thomas wants to be at the top alone and legitimately wants to be there. Cammy feels bad for him and knows he deserves it more than him. Next, she has started to lose interest in the role because she is alone being the popular kid. She wants to be with someone else and not be alone so she wants Thomas to take the role so she can be alongside him. She wants to be more happy in the end so wants to abdicate for someone more willingly like Thomas to take the throne.

Next up, she wants to marry Thomas. She isn't interested in Jame because he is too popular and for reasons stated at the top she isn't into that for the rest of her life. Also, Jame is too superficial and she is more interested in true people's tune because she doesn't like lies such as Jame. She wants to marry Thomas because he is nerdy and funny and she is into that. She isn't into Jame's brute strength and general meanness to him, she prefers quiet chill guys. Overall, Cammy wants Thomas because he isn't Jame and because he has some legitimate qualities that are admirable that she likes a ton.

Lastly, she wants to become a journalist. All her life, she's been interested in old newspaper clippings that Thomas showed her of the 1900s. She did research on the people who worked hard to gain that information and make it public and became in love with that. She also wants to expose people and make a difference in her area and that's what she wants to be. She also wants to be one because she can't imagine doing Clone King stuff forever. She states that "It takes a toll on you physically and mentally to stand up there and constantly act and say you're the best at everything. At some moment you will crack and all you have is yourself for guidance in that moment. That's why I formed this team. You are all my support. And that's why after this war, I want to chill as a journalist for once. Let me be myself for once, free from this terror that is being the best, alone." - Cammy

Overall, she wants to move on and be a normal person of society brought on by the fact she has been desensitized by current events and over stimulation.

Overall, the things that Cammy wants compared to everything else in the world is rather selfish but that is to be expected. All her life she has been brought up to be the best but it has taken a severe toll on her passions and beliefs. This makes it significant because her desire to run away from it all will have to contend with the looming doom of the Russians as well as the demands of the opposing adults and children. Also they will have to deal with the side of Jame which is violent and scary. This leaves many unanswered questions and makes me wonder if she will change or give up on some of these goals as it continues and accept her fate as the successor of the throne. Overall, an interesting character and I hope to see more and write more about her as it continues.

To conclude, with a few key fixes Thomas can fix his life a ton. But on a spiritual level, he must start with himself in order to live his life to his full potential with happiness. Also in his mind he must come to terms with his past in order to not be ignorant and prove he has a good life and is moral compared to his past. Lastly, in his mind he must push against the trauma and make alliances with his haters for a unified Clone High to take out the Russians. Overall, it will not be easy but if Thomas wants the best for himself, these are sacrifices that he will need to make.

CHNG S1GC Book 1 OuttakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora