No brains 2

158 5 1

While chang min sits on the desk where the computer once was Gyeongsu starts talking again

"Nayeon...done yet?" He asks getting up from the spot next to Changmin.

After no answer he talks again

"I said are you done with me now?!"

After no answer again, before Gyeongsu can continue oh joonyeon cuts him off

"Wait this means...the computers gone..."

"No internet..." Daesu finishes before looking toward Gyeongsu.

"Couldn't you have thrown something else instead of the computer?" He finishes

Changmin looks to Daesu with lazy eyes and then closes them once more after putting her legs up on the desk and wrapping her arms around her legs.

"W-well what was I supposed to do? It was trying to get in." Gyeongsu answers

"No you did good, thank you. Don't be mad." Daesu says trying to lighten the mood.

Daesu then walks over to Nayeon

"Hey Nayeon,look say sorry. End this"
Gyeongsu looks over to Nayeon then turns away.

Changmin opens one of her eyes before scoffing.

"You think someone like her would apologise teddy bear? Please your just wasting your breathe."

Nayeon turns to Changmin with a glare before talking. "Why should I?"

Daesu looks at her in disbelief
"He did it to save us all, why can't you just say that your sorry?"

"Because I'm not,I saw everything...I saw the creature grab gyeongsu"

Everyone looks at Nayeon before she continues

"I'm right, he could be infected."

"Nayeon enough." Mrs park says trying to calm everyone down.

"It really did that thing grabbed his hand!" She yells back.

Cheongsan then looks over to Nayeon

"Wait can touching his hand really infect him?"

Chang sits up all the way "no it can't not unless the thing scratched him and put their blood mixed in with his own."

Everyone looks toward Changmin and she talks again while looking straight at Nayeon with a threatening glare.

"But he wasn't scratched my the zombie so he isn't infected now shut the hell up about this."

Everyone goes silent for a second before Onjo talks.

"Chang's right we need to stop this."

Nayeon looks at Changmin and starts walking up to her which doesn't make Chang react one bit.

"Why do you keep on sticking up for Gyeongsu, huh? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

The rest of the people look to Changmin with a slight jealous face (except mrs park obviously)

Chang looks to Nayeon with a slight smirk but the rest emotionless.

"Why? You jealous?"

The classmates look slightly disappointed but try's to ignore it.

Before Nayeon could say anything else mrs park talks.

"Alright that's enough."

Nayeon looks to everyone

"Gyeongsu has an open cut on his hand so that means when the thing grabbed him he could have some of the blood from the thing in his cut."

Gyeongsu starts walking up to her but gets held back by Cheongsan.

"mrs mystery" all of us are deadWhere stories live. Discover now