Chapter III: Friday, December 30th, 2016

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In the morning, the two couples met for breakfast, as usual.

"We have an announcement", Nives said, as she and Richard had agreed to do. "Not a wedding date", she added quickly, seeing Raffaella lighting up, "but a first step... Richard, do you want to tell them yourself, as it was your idea?"

"Sure... but let's sit down, as breakfast is ready", the Brit urged them. When they were seated, helping themselves with eggs, bacon, toast and more, he went on. "I suggested to Nives that we could move in together in Venice, which is just one hour drive from her father and I'd have an international airport at hand for my work trips."

"How beautiful, Venice!" Raffaella cried, enthusiastic. "Venice is surely an excellent solution for you both. And Anyway, there are direct flight for Elba, for when we'll have the opportunity to meet", she added, beaming.

"Sure", Nives agreed. "We'll meet at least as much often as now."

"I'm counting on it!" cried Jerry.

"So do I", Richard confirmed. "Later, when we'll have found and decorated our home, Nives and I will think about our wedding."

"Weddings", his fiancée corrected him. "I think it's better having two rites, one in England and one in Italy, for the sake of our respective parents, relatives and friends", she then explained at his puzzled gaze. "What do you think of this?"

"I think it's perfect" Richard agreed enthusiastically.

"If it wasn't this early, I'd suggest a toast", Jerry said.

"We can always make a toast later", observed Raffaella.

"Of course", Richard nodded. "At lunch, with my parents who are arriving at St. Pancras station at a quarter past eleven. I was planning to go picking up them with a cab and taking them to their hotel, then we'll have all lunch together at their restaurant."

"Wonderful", Nives approved, "except that I'd like to come with you to the train station, I don't met them for over one year and a half and I can't wait to see them again."

"This will make them happy..."

Hence, Richard called for a suitable taxi and with Nives went to King's Cross, where the St. Pancras train station is located. They got off the car and reached the first class lounge, where Richard had agreed to meet with his parents, as to avoid being exposed to the crowd on the platforms. Among the offered services, there was even a porter, and soon enough, there came a man pushing a cart with two suitcases, followed by John and Margaret Armitage.

As soon as they caught sight of their son and daughter-in-law-to-be, they moved towards them.

"Nives, at last!" Margaret cried, hugging her warmly. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"Me too, Margaret" Nives declared, feeling moved. She exchanged a hug with John too, while Margaret did as much with her son.

"Would you like a drink?" asked Richard.

"No, thanks, we had a tea on board", John answered, in a vaguely dumbfounded tone: he wasn't used yet to the luxuries that his son's wealth could provide them, such as travelling first class and having a porter carrying their luggage.

"Well, let's go then, the taxi's waiting for us", Richard said, gesturing to the porter to follow them. When they got to the cab, he helped Margaret and Nives getting in, as the porter busied himself with loading the suitcases. John gave him a tip, then he got in the car too, and Richard followed suit. Once they were all seated, Richard gave the driver the address for the St. James Court Hotel in Westminster; the trip lasted about half an hour, time that the foursome spent chatting pleasantly.

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