Untitled Part 1

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SORRY YOU DECIDED TO READ THIS, but continue and insult me at the end. Thanks.

uhhh cussing bc it's me.

 I can feel my hood start to fall off my head as I swing through the air using my grappling hook. It's the closest I'll get to flying. I'm trying to get to one of my favorite casinos. The problem is in fact : It's a casino mainly for villains. I'm a vigilante, my official name is superior. Although multiple people refer to me as icarus. I got the name because in multiple incidents I tend to "fly too close to the sun" This means I have a tendency to be stubborn and not listen to many people.

  After one of my fights I had to take a 2 month break because of how hurt I was. There are multiple people planning on my downfall and waiting for my "wings" to "melt". I have a lot of enemies considering the Heroes don't like me and neither do the villains.

  As I swing through the air my hood flies off my head revealing my light pink bangs and a brown ponytail. I have goggles covering my eyes though. People can't see my eyes,it's kinda like a one-sided mirror. Except the side people can't see through is metal painted white with toxic green swirls. I'm not considered a threat to the hero's because I'm basically doing their job for them.

They're just mad because I get all the credit for fighting crime down in district 19. The crime rates here are the shit. Although at the moment I'm in district 2 walking into the casino. Most villains are smart enough to stay away from me, others try to recruit me. "Icarus without wings" is what they call me. The reason is that I don't have any power.

This is rare considering almost 80% of the population has a power. Although I don't have powers, I'm well known. I'm a relatable vigilante with no power. The public loves me. I'm just another product of today.

"Heyyyy, Is that my favorite regular I see?"

"Ayup quackity!" I say throwing my gun his way

"Here to gamble, drink or business?" He asks

"Come on quacks, you know I'm underage."

"I'm just saying a little champaign never hurt anybody, I'll be right with you some bitch is drunk." He says. Quackity, his power is shapeshifting. So it's hard to really know his identity. He is the only villain I do business with. My favorite villain if you would put it like that, known as Loki.

He's the owner of this casino. He is kinda known for gambling and selling information. No matter how much of a lie the information is. He pulled a casino highest and then used that money to open his own. The hero's know they can't touch this place because they would have a war on their hands. Quacks is too beloved for his own good.

"Alright big S whatcha need?" He comes back with a bloody bat. Probably had to beat up a creep.

" I just want to find somebody here?" I ask, he points me in the direction of Micheal. Officially known as nuke, better known as theseus.

"Thanks a big Q." I say slipping him a 50

"No problem." he sys slipping the fifty back

"I don't take money from besties." He says.

I walk over the micheal and slap his head.

"Hey what the fu-" He starts

" Oh hey Superior, what's up?" He asks

"Just wanted to know, how's gambling for ya? How much did Ya make?" I ask

"Don't worry Big S, it's enough for our next high." He states rolling the 3 dice and getting all sixes. Collecting the whole pot. Micheal has 2 powers. 1, super intelligence. 2, super luck. He hangs out at the casino so he can wrack up the money. He also sells nukes.

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