chapter one

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"there's a lot of ugly things in this world, son. i wish i could keep 'em all away from you. that's never possible." -atticus finch 


The woman held the phone to her ear; legs crossed as she sat on the bed, which was way too uncomfortable for what she spent on it, "lord have mercy, is gossiping all you do, Missy?" Missy giggled over the phone in her airy laugh that Addison knew all too well, and Missy replied with a witty retort. 

"You outta know that's all you can do in this town, Mrs. Finch! There are no good-looking men for me to admire besides A--" 

"That's enough outta you, Missy!" Addison lightly scolded, a laugh leaving her painted lips, "you do any admiring of married men; you'll have the whole town after you, myself included!" 

"Well, you better hurry and make haste back to Maycomb, then! I'm going stir-crazy, and I do not want to make conversation with Miss Stephanie," Addison patted down the pattern of her skirt and yawned, stretching herself out on the bed. 

"I'm going to tell you this in confidence, but I'm leaving today, and I want it to be a surprise. So don't blab to the whole town about it," she looked towards her packed bags and checked the time, "I better get off if I'm going to make it there in time; I will call you as soon as I reach Alabama, I promise," they exchanged goodbyes, and Addison hung up, grabbing her bags. She opened the door and closed it behind her, walking down the extending hallway of the hotel. 


She parked her car outside a gas station, next to a pump, turned the car off, and opened the car door; her purse hung on her arm. She walked into the establishment and stepped up to the counter, "hello, can I get a 20 on pump 8?" the cashier rang her up, and she put her card in. When it beeped, she took the card out and turned away, only to bump into a man. Addison let out a yelp and stepped back, only for him to grab her purse, "hey! NO! Give that back!" she stomped on his foot, taking back the bag as she punched him, and he stumbled back. 

"Hey! What is going on here?" there stood a Maycomb cop, and Addison breathed relief until the man turned to the cop. 

"Sir, y'see, I was only trying to stop this woman from stealing!" she frowned, hands balling into fists. 

"I wasn't stealing anything; you damn liar!" Addison rushed at him, only for the cop to grab her arm, and she whipped around, pulling at his arm, "let me go!" the cop pulled her arms behind her back and pulled her towards the door and out to his vehicle. He shoved her into the car, and she beat against the window. 

"Ma'am, calm down; I'm just going to call someone to pick you up. Did you drive here?" she gritted her teeth and pointed toward her red car. The cop had hold of her purse and pulled out her phone, sliding towards the setting to where she could call, "do you have a family member who can come get you? A mom, dad, boyfriend?" 

"Give me the damn phone, I'll call him myself, and then I'll sue you! He's the best damn lawyer this side of the river!" he gave her the phone, and she dialed a number. It rang a couple of times, and then a familiar voice answered. 

"Hello? Atticus Finch speaking," his voice soothed her, and her racing heart slowed down, "hello?" 

"Atticus, it's me. Is there any way you can pick me up?" 

"Why? What's happened? Did you break down? I told you to put more than 20 dollars worth in your car, my dear," Addison shook her head and laughed. 

"No, hon, that's not it. I'm being held in this awful police car, for something I didn't do!" the conversation continued, and then  I love you's were being exchanged between them, and she hung up. 

When he pulled up in his car, he parked it and stepped out, tucking his glasses further up his nose, "hello, Officer Evans, lovely evening, isn't it?" 

"Mr. Finch! I didn't know you had another daughter!" Addison's face lit up, and Atticus let out a chuckle, shutting his door as another person exited the passenger side of his car. The woman was practically a mix of mini-Atticus and Addison, and as the two walked around, the woman waved to the other woman in the car. 

"Hey, Mom! Back from Washington, huh?" Officer Evans looked surprised, and he looked over at Atticus. 

"This woman is your wife? She looks about 21!" Addison huffed, and the officer let her out of the car, and she clambered out and into her husband's arms. 

"I'm 35, thank you very much," she snapped out, "anyway, Officer Evans? What happened to Heck? Was I gone for that long?" 

"Heck is just a bit sick; Officer Evans is taking over until he gets better. Henry Evans, this is my wife, Addison Finch," Henry extended a hand, and she started it, her eyes squinting in suspicion, "honey, shake the poor man's hand. I apologize; she has a bad temper, from her father, I suspect," Addison took his hand in a shake, then sighed. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just a bit hot-headed from time to time," Addison wrung her hands, "nice to meet you, Officer Evans," he smiled kindly at her, then tipped his hat to her. 

"It's no problem, Mrs. Finch. Oh, hello, Miss Lyla!" Lyla Finch had her arms folded, and she waved kindly. Officer Evans then climbed into his car, and drove off, leaving the three older Finches. 

"Mom, Dad wants me to drive your car. For some reason, he believes he cannot trust you to drive home without engaging in a fistfight," Addison rolled her eyes and sighed. 

"Oh, alright, you can drive it. Here are the keys," Lyla took the keys and walked over to her mother's car, "Mr. Finch, you! I missed you," Addison wrapped her arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek. 

"Mrs. Finch, shall we?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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