Funky discovery.

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You decide it would be nice to spend your day at Air island, Not just because it took you so long to get there but also because of the sunny above the clouds scenery. The whole place sparkles with light and enthusiasm. It really lifts your mood after the dusky grounds of Earth Island. You thought it would be nice to go and say hello to your friend Mammort! You head on over to his direction as you see him talking in a group with Toe jammer and Tweedle. 'Hey guys! What's going on?' You say in a cheerful tone. They all turn to you, Mammort shoots the others a look and then turns back to you. He then goes to say 'Well we were just on about the new Wubbox that just woke up.' You glance around looking for what he may be on about, in a failed attempt to do so you turn back to him and raise an eyebrow. 'A new Wubbox?' You question him. 'Yeah he's supposed to be with Tawkeer for speech lessons but he just seems to wonder of and do his own thing.' Tweedle inputs. 'Oh, haha well that's odd!' You say with a giggle in your tone. 'Yeah I don't know what it is about that guy he just doesn't seem to be interested.' Toe Jammer states. 

Mammort then turns to you with a guilty look on his face, he then goes to say 'Hey uhm sorry if you came all this way to hang with me but we were all thinking of goes to Water Island today, and you probably don't wanna go back down after it taking you so long to get here.' He then turns away in shame before glancing back at you. You process with for a minute but understand his situation. 'It's ok! we can hang some other time!' You say with a slight disappointment in your tone, but you try to keep a warm tone in your voice. Mammort then walks past you with his group of friends who are fairly shorter than you and waves a goodbye to you. Hmm. Now what, You think to yourself. You then look around again at the amazing scenery. You decide to walk around a bit considering you are left to your own free will.

You walk around looking at all the colourful and happy monsters all living their lives, Considering you are the only human here, they treat you fairly nice and try not to make things awkward. You then hear some weirdly pitched screams a few miles away, You look over at the direction of the noise and  see the culprit of the chaos. A tall  robotic figure with mechanical wings  is headed STRAIGHT TOWARDS YOU! before you have time to react you both end up slamming into each other.  *CRASHHH!* You hear a bunch of mechanical noises and gears , the dust from the impact settles down and you see the thing that just crashed into you, You then notice it's a Wubbox. But this one seemed to be wearing a hat and goggles, like a huge pilot. You try to find you words as you stare up at this huge  robot.  You read his facial expression  and see the guilt he feels at the moment. But why wasn't he saying anything? Maybe he can't yet? You  then feel unable to react to this. You then think to yourself, he's probably clueless as he is the newest one who just got woken up.  You then  without thought put your arm out for him to shake, He stares down at your gesture and then back at you, he then tilts his head slightly as to show his confusion. You put your arm out further trying to hint at what you are doing, He then must have got    the hint of what you want him to do, he then holds his large mechanical arm  that is strung to his body with a yellow electrical current. You then grab the end of it to shake it it. smiling in the process. You then put your arm down and he does so aswell, suddenly you hear a very familiar voice, it was Tawkeer, but he seemed very out of breath. 'OH MY GOD! *huff huff* WHY ARE YOU SO FAST!? YOU HAVE ONLY *GASP* BEEN ABLE TO WALK!' This seemed to have Alarmed the Wubbox as he jolts up from his slouchy sitting position. You look over at Tawkeer who has now noticed you on the floor with the large robot, 'Oh my gosh! ARE YOU OK?' He says before running over to you. 'Yeah, I'm fine why ask?' You question him. 'Well... you kinda have a burn mark on your face..' He says while looking very concerned. You then go to touch the side of your face and feel a  sharp pain while doing so. You  then suck the air through your teeth to stop yourself swearing, you didn't want the new Wubbox to learn such language. you then look at Tawkeer, 'I'll be fine, and who's this big fella?' You say clearly  hinting to the Wubbox. 'Oh he's the new Epic Wubbox, He keeps running of from me who's been trying to teach him how to speak for the past 2 hours now.' He says  looking up at the Wubbox with an annoyed expression. The wubbox just seemed to be watching the conversation go on.  The gears from his large robotic body made  you loose focus on what Tawkeer was trying to tell you. You then snap back into reality and nod at his words. He then looks at you and then at the Wubbox again. 'I will say though, he hasn't tried to run off from you within 5 minutes, maybe you could teach him how to speak? If your ok with that though?' He says with a hopeful tune in his voice, You could tell he really wants you to take upon his offer. You then smile and nod 'Sure!  I'd be glad to!' You say. Tawkeer's eyes then light up 'Great! Well, I'll leave you to it!' He says before slying off. This leaves you with the Wubbox who then let out a little robotical sneeze. Cute. You then get up off the ground as it is a little sandy. The Wubbox then tries  to stand back up but then falls straight back down again.  You giggle at the clumsiness of the one before you and hold your arm out to him. He then instantly grabs onto it, you then realise how HEAVY he his. You then notice he wasn't even trying to get up at this point. 'Oh cmon!!! *HMMK* you  gotta help tooo!!!!' You whine as you feel your arm about to fall off (Not literally) . He then looks at you struggling and rolls his eyes. He then attempts to get up, but this time he succeeds! Phew. about time- . You then look up at him, seeing how dazzed and confused he looks. You then thought he was about to run off from you like he did with Tawkeer. So you grab onto his arm, although if he did actually have intentions on running off from you, this probably wouldn't help.

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