*Pip pip Piolet!*

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* 3 days later*

You find yourself sitting in front of a toasty fireplace with the still ever so softly sleeping Wubbox. You have done nothing but this for the past few days, you just couldn't get enough!!! But, as the days went on, the more you questioned, the more you panicked. Wondering if he will ever wake up. Despite his unconscious state, you feel it's comforting to be by his side. Then suddenly, your thoughts skidded to a halt as you felt the machinery that was laying loosely with his head on your knee's had woken up, cheerful and excited you feel a spark of energy shoot through your veins like lasers and you let out a tiny squeal. 

You look down at him, he looked so abnormal, you loved it. You loved him, but then you didn't have much time to cherish the moment as he then sneezed right at you. 'EWWW!' you then feel confused for a second, how do Wubbox's even sneeze? I mean they don't really have a nose soo... 'Sorryy hehehe.' Air said in a tired and whiney tone. The one thing you loved about him was how giddy he was at this very moment. You felt like you were a mother bird to him. Cradling his head between your thighs.  You then felt him shuffle a bit to get comfy, you felt him cramped up between you, something tells you he doesn't know what this means or what he's doing, suddenly. he then moves again, 'UWAH!-' you yelped. You must've startled him as you felt his body jolt a bit, but he still remained in this awfully strange position. You then look down at him with a annoyed facial expression. He looked up at you from a sort of overhead angle. as he did have his head between your thighs at the moment. His face pure and dumb. 

You then decided you wanted a cup of tea so you quickly got up on purpose so Air didn't have enough time to react. He then falls backwards. 'OOF! HEYY NO FAIR!' He whined. You laughed at this absurd prank you just pulled off. Air then stumbled to his feet and did one of the hugest stretches you've ever seen, accompanied with a huge yawn. 'Gee, you only just got up and your already yawning?' You rhetorically question him. 'Mmm yeh..' he mumbled. You then roll your eyes as he didn't even attempt to hide his laziness. 

You head into the kitchen of your house, you then suddenly realised, oh damn your in your house, IN THE HUMAN WORLD? WITH AIR. You stare at the cup you had just picked up in shock. Then, you take a deep breath and try to ignore the situation, you turn on the already filled kettle and wait, you look  back into the living room where the fireplace was, he was just sat there mesmerised by the radiant calm flames. You smile at such simplicity and look back at the kettle to see it was now boiled. Finally! You then lift it up, gosh it was heavy. You then tip it over the cup and pore it in, the noise of hot water getting poured was so satisfying to you! Then, you opened the jar that said biscuits on it. for some reason you have stored teabags in it. You get one out and put it in the water filled cup and stirred it around, you then grabbed the milk that was already on the side of the counter and pored a fair amount in. Then the human decency inside of you shines when you decide to add sugar, hastily you    open the jar and put about 2 spoons in. Lovely. You pick up the warm cup that was slightly burning your hands and you headed inside of the living room again, you then thought you should have asked Air if he wanted one ,but then again you assumed robots don't drink or eat anything due to their valuable insides.

You then look around trying see where Air is, your heart skips a beat when you realise he's out of your sight. Shit. Where is he now? You thought to yourself. Then suddenly you felt the urge to look up, not expecting to find anything you still do it anyway. To your surprise you did see something, you saw Air. He was using his large mechanic wings to hover, you were dumbfounded with what your eyes were showing you. 'THEM WINGS ACTUALLY WORK?' you questioned, making sure he wasn't pranking you. 'Uh yeah of course they do? I'm not the smallest of my kind for no reason you know?' You laugh slightly at the fact he admitted he's not the tallest amongst the other Wubbox's, although he is is still fairly large which made you shocked at the fact he would even manage get of the ground in the first place.

You then roll your eyes at the situation and then realise something, You got to get him back to the monster realm. You felt sullen at the fact he can't be with you all the time, but you realised it's for the best. You bring the cup you were still holding up to your lips and draw a breath before chugging. You weren't really the type of person to sip. Within a few seconds the contents that was inside the cup was now inside of you. You felt warm and slightly happier due to the taste and heat of the tea. You then over to your right at that was were Air was stood right now, he awfully shocked at how fast you chugged that whole drink. You then sigh. 'Listen I really do think you should head back to the monster realm.' You explained to him. You saw his face then show hint of confusion 'Monster realm?' He questioned. 'Yes, your in the human realm at the mome-' you were then cut off. 'THE HUMAN REALM?!?!?! THEY'RE REAL???' He shouted with a tone you couldn't recognise to be shock or excitement.  You then realised he thought you was a monster the whole time. 'WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM????' you shout back. He then pauses for a second. 'Uhhhhmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhh' You then shush him as he would be there uhming and uhhing all day. You then notice it was actually starting to get late. You then knew it was time to actually take him back before the other monsters start to question things.

 'Well, it sure is getting late,  I should really be getting you back to your own realm.' You then saw his expression dull slightly when you said that. 'I understand' was all he said. You then walk over to the door of your house and realise it was already open, damn you thought. You really forgot to lock your own house somebody could have broken in, you then push the door open and made way for the oversized bot heading through. You looked around at the sky, the sunset was stretching a pinkish- orange colour across the sky. Wow. You then look over at Air who's face could only be seen as one emotion. Pure mesmerisation. you watch his eyes glitter at such views, and what topped the whole scenery off was the building not that far in front of you both . You stare at the star struck by what your eyes are seeing, it was even more magical with the fact you are with him, you got to see such beautiful sky's with him. You then snap out of it and nudge him slightly. 'Oh yeah!' You laughed at his strange reaction to your prompt and you figured you'd take the lead. 

You start to walk out of your drive and onto the pavement. You then notice somebody in the distance it seemed to be a younger woman walking her dog. oh. You try to avoid eye contact with her but Air had different idea's. He approached the now very scared woman and shouted down to her. 'HI THERE MR. HUMAN I LIKE YOUR CAT!!!' you then face palmed and stared over at Air with a cold stare, the now very traumatised woman was speechless, She picked up her dog and held it in her arms fearing of what may happen to it, she then stuttered 'O-oo- w- what are you?'  You felt awful for her having to come into contact with this clueless piece of metal. Before Air could respond to her question you pulled him by the arm while repeating apologise to her before she was again out of sight. You then let go of Air and he looked down at you confused. 'I think mr human malfunctioned.' You rolled your eyes at his stupidity 'Number 1 that was a woman, number 2 WE DONT WALK UP TO PEOPLE AND CALL THEIR DOGS CATS AND NUMBER THRE-' you then again got cut off as you realised Air was now speaking to a car. 'YOU SEEM HOPEFUL! HOW ARE YOU?' he then reaches his arm out to the teal Ford Fiesta car parked in front of him. You stare at him with pure concern, you felt your brain literally melt at this point. you then shout 'THATS NOT A LIVING THING ITS FAKEEEE' he then looked at you and huffed. 

You both carried on walking until you ended up in a weird looking park, it was mainly empty apart from the odd occasional gang member. You didn't feel so scared walking in the dark with him as you knew despite how oblivious he is in this world. He would be able to fight off anybody, the people who walked past you both ran as soon as he was spotted. You eventually come to the glowing and radiant portal that linked the human world to his world. 'well.... I guess this is it for now.' You said to him in a sulky tone. 'You'll come by wont you? I cant bear to be without you.' he said with a cracked voice, indicating he is tearful . Noticing this you reassure him 'Of course I  will! How could I bare without you either.' You give him a soft smile. 'But who will I talk to nobody there likes me.' He said with a sniffle. You pause. 'That's not true! you have Mammort I'm sure he will be more than happy to be around you.' you said. His face seemed less worried now.  He then does the unexpected, he leans down to your height and gives you a kiss ON THE LIPS?. His wings then buzzed rapidly after doing so. Shocked, You now feel awfully flustered too. You just about manage to get your words out 'O-oh bu- bye!'. Gosh your face was red, then without another word, he walked through the portal. It disappeared. And so did he. You then instantly wonder about whats happening in his world at the moment, you can't wait to go back in a week and hear about his so much more interesting life! But for now, you will keep your heart and hopes high, for your little piolet~

The end! 

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