Chapter 6

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"You look so good!" she exclaimed as she turned me around. My hunch had been right. The skirt Diana brought is above my knee. The skirt is a short flay one. It is lemon in colour. She had picked a long sleeve blue black long sleeve shirt from my closet. My footwear is a pure white sneakers which makes me look taller. Mum has bought it for me around the fall of last year but I haven't worn it at all.

Diana had made me leave my hair wet which makes it look deeper. She has left hers wet too which makes it appear black in colour. She has a glossy red lipstick on her lips. She had me wear the same. It makes me feel uncomfortable though. The skirt she's also wearing is similar to mine but hers is black while she has a lemon shirt on.  Her footwear is also similar to mine.

I smiled at the mirror. She's right. I look really good and I have to accept it. The only thing that looks out of place is the short skirt that exposed my long white legs. It's been long I've worn a skirt not to say a short one. As vividly as I can remember, the last time I've worn a skirt is when I was eleven year old. And wearing it now, I feel so exposed especially for it being short.
"You look so good!" She said again. All I could do was smile.

I shiver as the night cold embraced my bare legs. She held my hand as we made our way        
to her car. The usual coolness of her hands contributed to the cold I am feeling already. As soon as we entered the car, the stereo sprang to life playing Happier by Marshmallow. Her voice startled me as she suddenly shouted the chorus. But soon, I joined her.


Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at our destination. Anxiety welled up in my chest as I saw beaming light and heard the sound of faint music playing in the distance. My legs suddenly felt numb. Diana hopped out and shut her door. She came over to my side, knocked my window and opened my door. She gave me a bribing smile and said
"Trust me, you'll have fun." She gripped my hand and pulled me out.

We entered a room with familiar faces everywhere. Music was playing in the highest volume with crazy bodies jumping. I don't know the song, so I didn't bother paying attention to it.
The beat in the music kept making me feel like it was punching my inside and pounding in my head. I felt like a tiny monster has suddenly developed in my brain and has started to scatter every piece in my head. I felt the urge to hold my head but I didn't because I would look like a baby to Diana.

I tried to look at Diana's face in the dim light maybe she would also have an uncomfortable expression on her face but what was I expecting? She was already moving her head to the rhythm of the music.
Her face suddenly lit up and I saw why. Jake is walking towards our direction. He didn't give me a second glance but his eyes lingered on Diana's body for a few seconds before he finally wrapped in a hug and...ahem.....kissed her. I felt my cheek go hot, so I turned my eyes away.

Jake and Diana had crush on each other right from freshman year and they started dating in the beginning of final year. I don't have anything to say about them 'cause I don't fancy anything about relationship in high school. It's dumb to me. All I know is that Diana has been involved with a lot of guys who in her own view, haven't been as good as Jake.

Jake is one of the hottest guys in school. He is also a soccer star. But he is nothing hot to me, just deep blue eyes and jet black hair. Yeah, he doesn't look hot to me. He is every girl's crush but definitely not mine. I don't just find guys interesting.

Jake pulled Diana along with him into the crowd. Diana has obviously forgotten about me.As soon as they left, my nostrils was suddenly filled with the smell of sweat mixed with the smell of soda.
My stomach turned due to the bad smell. I felt the urge to puke but I wouldn't. Instead, I searched frantically for an exit which I found almost immediately. When I was looking for the door, I didn't care to look if it was the door that we came in through.

I opened the door I saw to find a boy and a girl making out but I didn't see their faces. They were so engrossed in each other that they didn't notice me. I slammed the door shut immediately. I found another door and prayed that I wouldn't see anything worse.

I opened it to see the balcony. I breathed in fresh air. The night view was inviting, so I walked farther to meet the stillness of water downwards. Right in the middle of the river are three willow trees. They aren't as tall as the one in my backyard but they have almost the same height.

I finally looked up to the sky. The night sky is beautiful. I felt as if I was staring at diamonds in the sky.  Although, the stars aren't near but I could imagine green and pink stars in my head.

"Do zombies love the sky?" A familiar voice said. T'was Dax. He has said that because he knows that I love horror.

"Will you shut that your stinking pit, Dax Parkson?" He ignored my last words.

"I am surprised you can attend a party. I mean, who would ever believe this? You of all people." He said as he emerged from the darker side of the balcony. You wouldn't fail to notice his green eyes even in the dark.

"It's none of your business, dummy!" I replied with a frown.

A laughter followed what I said but it was by someone else. Another figure emerged from the same side where Dax appeared from. I could make out short-cropped hair and deep dimples and the name formed in my brain. Skylar Wells. Another football star who is also in the same team as Jake. Also one of the hottest guys in school. Dax and Jake's teams are rivals and have never gotten along. So I wonder what Dax and Skylar might be doing in the dark together out here where there is no one else.

"Gosh! I need to use the restroom." Dax suddenly said like the little boy I always imagine him to be. The next thing I heard was the opening and closing of the door. I was now left alone with Skylar. Alone in the dark. I had this uncomfortable feeling. I could feel him move closer. I moved meters backwards simultaneously. He moved closer again and I also moved backwards again only for my body to hit a barrier which is the railing. I looked up to meet enchanting eyes on me. I felt something surge up within me. An unexplainable feeling.

*Whoops* This chapter is finally out after many weeks of being captured.

So what do you guys think about this chapter?

As usual, thank you all for reading and please, don't forget to comment. I love 💕 you all.

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