My Trip To Walmart

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I walked into Walmart with Kyle, in search for chocolate almond milk because they came to my house and drank it all. I was in my Himiko Toga themed outfit, and Kyle was in his black clothing as always.

"Don't you ever consider wearing color?"  I asked, pushing him slightly. She shook their head. "Nah, I don't have much color in my wardrobe anyways," he shrugged.

I nodded as we continued on to the milk section, just as we were about to turn a corner, we saw two people.

Jorizz Sanitizer and The Military Lady From Lunch.

Kyle immediately started blushing. I walked up to the two, smiling and waving. "Hey Jorizz, Military lady! How are you guys?"  They smiled and answered, and I started a conversation with the military lady about how she made Kyle gay for women. Kyle was talking to Jorizz about how me and my lover take pictures of him and send them to Kyle during mucisal rehearsal.

Jorizz looked at me with a shocked  expression and as I was about to say something, an ear piercing beep could be heard from the other side of the store. Me and Kyle looked at each other, snagged 5 cartons of chocolate almond milk, and sprinted out faster than you can say mayonnaise.

Kyle's POV

Me and Xa ran out of the building faster than you can say mayonnaise. We looked at each other and started giggling because we know why the building blew up. We had brought JD to the store with us and he, turning into a lost toddler, decided to make and set off a bomb in the bathroom.

We were standing in the parking lot with Jorizz and The Military Lady. I looked over to Jorizz and blushed. Xa pulled me and I fell to the ground. He pointed to the top of the building. "Look! Mondo is going to jump!"  They said, taking out their phone and recording.

As my Love Mondo jumped from the roof, he got hit with the explosion and it started rain butter. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER!" Xa yelled. I shook my head and slapped them.

I was going to hit them again when all of a sudden, a black limo-looking Jeep with very tinted windows pulled up and parked next to me and Xa.

Out of the car stepped the 7th president of the US, Andrew Jackson.  "I would like you two to be my new body guards, come with me" he said, not even giving us a chance to respond before he tied us up in headphone wires and throwing us in the back of his Jeep and driving off to the white house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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