Wake up

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I opened my eyes in a dark classroom of my school.I don't know how I came here. I feel like I lost my memory

Well it looked just my school but darker, older and somehow creepier, I can see that on the baord, something was written it was "d(x²)/dx = ?"

But that wasn't a weirdest thing that whole school is so dark the weirdest thing is that no one is here in class except Alex(classmate) laying in front of me... And also he had a wound on his hand, Is he asleep?  I asked myself.

So I tried waking him up. Hey!  Wake up man!  And then I realised that I did a mistake...

He looked at me...

His eyes they were turned green and was glowing in dark like an animal he growled like monster and the look on his face was blood thristy. I was struck by fear and surprise so much that for a moment I wasn't able to move.

He was looking like a humanoid monster from nightmares...sharp teeth and claws....
I knew I have to run and I did...
But it attacked me with it's claws and pulled me back and I fell. And he bit my leg...I was in extreme pain....

I saw the broken metallic bench and then I picked it and with my full force, I hit his head with that..
And Ran away somehow... My leg is bleeding but still I don't have time to think about it as he chases me down....

I ran for my life and then I noticed that it doesn't even look like my school anymore....

It looked like a maze of clasaroom, doorways, hallways and offices in which, the more you run,  the more lost you will get.

But I kept running not caring about where I am going...

And it kept chasing me....

After some time....

I can't hear his footsteps anymore..maybe he isn't chasing me anymore.

Hey hey hey reader...

Leave your opinion and thoughts.... Also try to predict what will happen in next part... I think the next part is last part, it's a short one as it's my first story.

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