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i really don't have any ideas for likee and i'm not feeling good maybe i should i post about that i feel sick then all of a sudden i hear a raspy voice say " i have a idea" who is that embit says "its me the floor" what my floor could talk i got so confused um well whats your idea "well ive known you for so long i am your floor i know everything about so make another video with Starsaber" wait you know them "yea of course i do" well maybe that's a good idea let me dm them

Embit_: hey mushroom want to make another minecraft video together :D

Starsaber: my wifi sucks right now maybe tomorrow we already played today

Embit_: oh sorry just running out of ideas so thought i would dm you

Starsaber: oh sorry well goodluck bye!


Well that didn't work "well i don't know" maybe i'll just post saying i'm sick and laying on the floor "i mean you could" i think i will do that ok well that's posted hey how can you talk "i don't know but i have a question?" yeah "have you ever had a crush on someone that you know will never like you" yeah why "well there is someone i like and there is no chance they will like me back" oh who "well um Embit i have something to tell you" yeah floor "i think i like you i've known you for so long and you just seem so cool and i think want to be in a relationship" oh floor well i actually think I like you too "oh my gosh really does this mean you want to be in a relationship?!" oh floor yes i do 

2 Years later

Oh floor i have bad news "what is it" i'm moving away " WHAT NO YOU CAN'T TELL YOUR PARENTS" i'm sorry floor but i have to go now i love you "BUT WERE MARRIED" i know floor but i have to go now 


opens eyes oh i fell asleep on the floor that was a very weird dream maybe i should get rest i think i'm sick 

i close my eyes

Embit_ X FloorWhere stories live. Discover now