chapter 5 the search

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(also in this au patty has a kid named rose that is susans best friend)

Once jack and john got ready for work the head out on there way but first they needed to call patty to see f she was there"hey patty are at the office yet" "no i'm still at the school dropping off my kid" "oh yeah i forgot you had a kid" "yeah but i will be there soon ok" "ok see you then" "well is she there" "on she's dropping off her kid" "oh well do you want some dounts" "on thanks" "ok then" soon they arrived at the station with patty also pulling up at the same time "so i have some footage from the hospital that i think you should see" "ok patty" so the three walk in and go into the office to watch the footage so the watch for a minute in till the footage suddenly cuts out "DAMN IT" john said angrily"THIS IS FUCKING STUPID" "john calm dow-" "NO I WONT CALM DOWN I'M SO SICK OF BEING TOLD TO CALM DOWN" " john THAT IS ENOUGH" no one had ever made jack mad to the point of yelling this so the first time john or patty has heard jack yell but soon jack and john got in to a huge argument "YOU KNOW WHAT IM LEAVING" "jack wait-" "NOPE IN LEAVING" so jack stormed out the building  and off to the park "see john look what you did" "well he made me mad" "still he's your friend you need to find him and apologies to him" "no,not right now" so john walks off into the other room leaving patty alone in the room with the tape "i really don't like this they need to work together not by themselves themselves i need to make them say sorry to each other but how" patty said to herself as she circled the room. 

(326 words)

the story of SusanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora