Worth The Wait (DnD story)

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(This first short story is based off of an event that happened in my one of my DnD sessions. I did my best to describe the characters and such since we are decently far into the campaign.)

Not a sound was heard, and for a split second, Lillia thought that nothing had happened. But the moment that thought entered her mind, all of her senses returned as she heard the sounds of blades clashing and clanging with each other, orders being cried out by both pirates and soldiers, and the sound of people getting cut down and dying around her. She felt her body being flung backwards at an alarming rate, and her back crashing into the solid surface behind her, causing all of the air in her lungs to be pushed out of her body.

The purple tiefling sank to the ground, feeling pain spread across her entire body, but mostly her back. She gasped as she tried to regain the oxygen she had lost in the impact, but as she did so, she winced as a new, sharp pain shot through her whole arm. She tried not to cough, knowing that any sudden jolts of movement would cause her even more discomfort than she was already in.

Her hand instinctively reached for her shoulder, which is where the pain in her arm was originating from. Lillia's golden eyes widened as she felt something warm and damp spread across her hand, and it started to sneak out from underneath her palm. It started to soak into her shirt, and the once soft fabric soon clung to her skin, causing her to grimace in disgust.

Lillia gently lifted her hand up, and saw that her skin was no longer clean: it was now dyed red. She stared at it, too shocked to place her hand back to slow the flow of blood from her shoulder, allowing the red substance to trickle down to her wrist, and down her long sleeve to her forearm. Her gaze slowly shifted to the man near the stern of the ship, and she stared at the tall, bulky man that was pointing a large rifle at her.

She wasn't too familiar with the man aside from just a few facts; his first name was "Adder", he was a man of very few words, he was a terrifyingly excellent sharp shooter, and his little sister used to be a part of one of her fellow captain's crew.

Lillia watched tensely as Adder started loading another bullet into his gun, and she knew deep down that if he landed another shot on her, she would not survive to see the results of the plan she, her captains, her allies, and her lover, had come up with over the past week. Her eyes scanned around the ship she was on. Her beloved's ship, The Wailing Siren.

The first thing she saw was a figure leap down onto the deck in front of her, and charge towards Adder's direction. When the figure stopped running, Lillia realized that it was Nestaria. One of her fellow captains, and one of the few people she trusted wholeheartedly on the open sea. She wondered what caused Nestaria to suddenly charge to the front, seeing as at the beginning of the battle she was taking shots at some of the pirates with her pistol, but wasn't having the best of luck with aiming.

Lillia changed her focus to the black-haired man not too far away from Nestaria. Rolland, another captain and trustworthy person, was attempting to strike down one of the pirates with his blade. She could tell that he was truly in his element, and she understood why. After all, hunting pirates was his occupation, and he was skilled enough to become the captain of a military ship. At least, before he was wrongfully accused of mutiny.

Next to Rolland was Armurd. A brave and loyal golden dragonborn, and a member of the illusive, yet elite group known as the Ardent Order. An organization sworn to protect the sea when it in its entirety was threatened. He was fighting in tandem with Rolland, and Lillia couldn't help but be impressed with how well the duo worked together. She knew that in the future, should Armurd stay with her group, those two would be a force to be reckoned with.

Then, despite the ongoing battle and chaos, Lillia could hear a specific voice among the noise coming from the other side of her ship's bow. A familiar voice shouting at what she assumed was a pirate he was trying to fight. A voice that to some, would be slightly unsettling if they hadn't heard him speak before. It was the robotic voice of the Warforged that had a unique dragonborn inspired design, KORMr.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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