Prologue: The Fall

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Shit! I'm gonna be late.

Alex's shoes hit the tiled floor in quick succession. His neck twisted left and right as he ran, eyes skimming over room numbers screwed above the door frames.

307, 307, 307... not this floor either...

As his panic worsened, Alex rushed towards the stairs again heading for the next floor. Alex wasn't the athletic type and it was getting harder to maintain his current pace.

It was especially hard to climb up the stairs now. His legs were getting sore and wobbly. Just as he was about to reach the landing, Alex's foot slipped and he fell backwards. Alex braced himself for the impact, tightly shutting his eyes closed.

Today's just not my day...

Instead of hitting the cold and hard floor, his upper back landed on something soft, bouncy even. Alex felt two hands strongly grip under his armpits.

"You alright?"

Inclining his head more, Alex's eyes met a pair of emerald green eyes. They squinted a bit in concern for Alex. Not knowing what to do, he just nodded his head.

"Okay, now slowly walk backwards."

The feminine voice softly guided Alex till he was standing upright again.

"T-thank you so mu-"

As he turned around to thank his savior, his words got stuck in his throat. The girl he was looking at was at least a head taller than him. Alex was 5'6", relatively tall for a guy his age. But the girl made him look like a little boy in comparison.

She had bronze skin that complimented her sharp features. Her dark brown hair cascaded down to her shoulders. Her black crop top and jean shorts revealed her toned and muscular body. And oh her abs~ Alex wanted to bury his face into those abdominal muscles that looked like neatly aligned bricks.

"-uch.", Alex continued, breaking free from his trance.

The girl giggled at Alex's brief pause. "Which room are you heading to?", she asked, climbing up the stairs and picking up her pace.

"307." Alex replied, following after her.

The girl paused on her way up for a moment. She glanced back at Alex with a smile that showed her pearly white teeth.

"Me too."

Those two words coupled with that smile drove away all of Alex's anxieties and worries. A weird tingling sensation stirred up in his chest. Were these the so called butterflies? Alex didn't really care. All he cared about for now was the girl in front of him.

Today's definitely my day...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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