Chapter 3: Welcome Party

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See the author's note at the end

Rain poured hard in Jericho, Salem was free to roam the town watching it in the skies. Scouting for a few hours and so far everything was well. Until she passed by the forest, where she heard a piercing scream throughout the trees. When Salem arrived at the origin of the scream, she saw a hunchbacked creature run past the woods. It was a terrifying sight to witness as she took a good look at what remained of the man who appears to be camping, judging by the camping equipment that are yet to be assembled. His head was torn from his torso, an arm flung over the pine branch, and the rest of the parts are unaccounted for.

"Now what do we have here..."

"Where is the rest of him?"

Salem hears voices increasing its volume in the distance, it meant it was time to leave. She flew back to Nevermore, with news to bring to her Master.

"It's a Hyde, shit. Shit. Shit. Shit" Salem repeated the profanities about a few times, before composing herself when she is already en route to Y/N's veranda. While in the air, she caught a glimpse of Marilyn Thornhill carrying a black dahlia, something about her just doesn't sit right with Salem.

Finally, Salem flaps her wings as she lands on the asphalt balcony and shifts back into a cat, and welcomes herself inside Y/N's chambers. Her mistress is by the fireplace, Salem frowns as a familiar smell lingers in the air. The witch sensed Salem behind her and smiled. "Salem, what bothers you?" Y/N asks as she presses her lips together, taking another drag and blowing the smoke upwards.

"First of all, you're smoking. Which means something happened, and next. I think it's a Hyde that I saw the other day... At first, I thought it was a golem, but seeing its ugly face up close it's definitely a Hyde" Salem retorts, Y/N shifts uncomfortably in her seat flicking the cigarette towards the hearth.

"What else did you see?" Y/N began interrogating Salem, this was now a concerning topic. Her elbows rested on her knees as she intertwined her hands in a praying position. She can still smell the faint scent of cigarettes on her fingers.

"It slaughtered another human, Mistress. Body parts are being collected." Salem felt her Mistress' discomfort.

"Body parts..." The brunette pauses "It could be doing its master's bidding. But what for?"

Right when Y/N was about to do an assessment of why a Hyde could be rampaging in the woods collecting appendages, they were interrupted by a knock. The Witch walked towards the door and stood by it. Who could be looking for her at this hour? She twists the knob open revealing a Yoko this time without her sunglasses. Her grin grows as she sees Y/N.

"Yoko! What brings you here?"

"The guys were worried that you ran off earlier, how are you feeling?" Yoko leans against the doorframe, arms crossed. Y/N can't think of a proper excuse, so she said the first thing that comes to mind. "All good! I just had... uhh... diarrhea..." She stammers into her words, Yoko bursts out laughing then Y/N shushes her out.

"Stop, Weems is literally across mine," Y/N grumbles, and an awkward blush appears on her face. Yoko's laughter dies out, wiping the tears in the corner of her eye. Still, it does not explain why the goth vampire is out looking out for the Witch. Y/N thinks there is an ulterior motive behind the visit.

"Nice room. Your old folks cashed all out to give you the princess treatment, huh" Yoko commented, eyeing Y/N's room nodding in amazement.

"Oh yeah, I am here to invite you to this Friday's welcome party. Food and drinks are there!. Wednesday already turned Enid down so..." She trails, waiting for Y/N to accept the invitation or decline it. Y/N thinks hard, she could enjoy this school year a little.

The Wandering Witch - Larissa Weems x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now