The "non-stop raining" incident part 2/2

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After 1 week has pass of the non-stop raining in Gensokyo, the shrine maiden has finally took action aswell the 2 other incident resolver, the reason was...the shrine maiden don't want this rain to keep going because she has some clothes that need to be dry, the head maid aswell has the same problem with the shrine maiden but lot worse, Marisa also noticed this and go to Hakurei shrine to ask Reimu if she don't mind joining her to exterminate Youkai who cause this, they going get cold and wet so they are going do some investigation in quickly, the first spot of "human village" because some suspicious sound was come from this place, it's was an little fight between Sachiko and the mysterious green hair lady that find interesting about him after blocking her hit, she was using her little much strength to test him out, they also ask some villagers if they have any clues, well all of them have and they were sleeping during the rain, they see an 2 fight between a Youkai in all black clothes fighting against an Flower Youkai that every month visit to theirs village to buy some flower pot, they suspect the Youkai in black clothes first, because they never even heard or see an Youkai in black clothes before so it might be that Youkai the villager mentioned about, they ask if where that Youkai live but none of the villager know where that Youkai live

"Reimu! I remember there an Black smoke coming through the magic forest where my house there-ze" the girl with an blonde hair, wearing an black and white clothes with her witch hat on

"Good then let's find that Youkai and beat her, she might be the Cause of this raining" Reimu said as she begin to fly away where the magic forest was, the maid do the same as the witch follow them behind
30 second later

As 3 of the incident resolver land down infront of the magic forest, they look each other an nodded as they move forward to the forest

"Wait I see something" the head maid was the first one to sense something coming toward them, the maiden and the magician raise their guard up for any attack coming from the deep

"*yawn*when those human going come to me?" An male voice with no feeling or emotion in his voice come to them, he stop...he also see 3 of them, the human who are capable to fight against stronger Youkai

"I didn't expect that you would come here after 1 week, it seem Fate has decided us to meet each other Huh?" Still with the seem voice he just said, 3 of the incident resolver felt uneasy coming from this Youkai, the shrine maiden was the one who broke the silent first

"Hey Youkai!! Make this rain stop right now or else you will get beaten badly" she threat him but he still standing there, looking at them through this pitch black mask, of course he mask was on |off|so the mask look like that

"Get beaten badly? Is that an threat to scare me? How cute~ I like to see you try" he mock him, the word "cute" has feeling on it making it feel like mocking them. They unfazed by the mocking he done. He let out an sigh

"I rather to fight somewhere that no one will interfere...a-HAH! I know an place there no one will interfere" he claps his hand to together, theirs surroundings started to faded away

<mirror world>

As the surroundings started to get it color back, 3 of incident resolver look at they new environment they has enter, the place seem quite and misty, giving an spooky vibe

"Welcome to the mirror world, where it an exact copy of your world but no one inside or living being here, you can use all your power to do anything you want, like destroy or build something, the mirror world doesn't involve the real world and it does connect the real world almost similar, so this is where we would fight off peacefully and no one will disturb us" he come out of the mist and reveal himself to them

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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