(chapter 207-212)

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summary: after bonten arc, takemichi timeleaps and meets formal toman members—(hakkai, mitsuya, peh, pah, draken, inupi, and chifuyu.) he finds out mikey created a new gang and finds himself in a conflict between rokuhara tandai and brahman. 


basically whatever happened in chapter 207-212 with lots of romance and a plot twist... ;>


im sorry for making this so long and so cringey. I tried. ;-;

mah computer cant load the fanfic cover for sum reason.

im gonna edit this chapter later tho. :>

if u got any ideas, pls dm me. 

im fawkin desperate. 


Takemichi was on the verge of life and death. He was shot by Mikey three times and tried to save him when he tried to jump off a building. But here he was, running down the streets. 

What happened? Did I time leap? 

Takemichi stopped infront of his highschool, trying to catch his breath. 

But I was supposed to be in highschool 10 years ago! Takemichi thought. 

"You're kidding me..." 

Takemichi looked around the halls but stopped when he was met by a familiar voice.

"Hey Takemichi!" 

He heard someone call out his name and quickly looked to the side. 

"Goodmorning." Yamagishi called out. 

"You're quite early today for someone who's always late." Takuya mumbled, following him with the rest of the mizo group. 

"Yo Takemitchy!" Someone wrapped an arm against his shoulder. 

"Have you studied for the finals exam?" The figure asked leaning in close to his face.

"Man, the moment I sat on the chair I felt sleepy." 

The stranger was tall, had blue hair, and was very attractive, he was even fit to be a model. 

His eyes looked into his face more. He was trying to inspect his beauty, and noticed a thin scar that went down from his lips.

The scar looked familiar, he just couldn't remember who it was...

Takemichi snapped out of his thoughts and blushed looking into his eyes. 

Their faces were so closed together, it created tension. 

It'd take less than a second for Takemichi to close the distance between him and the other.

But that'd be too embarrassing for Takemichi to handle.

"What're you staring at Mitchy?" He smirked. 

"Hakkai's pretty helpless despite how he looks, huh." Yamagishi sighed.

"Totally..." Makoto mumbled.


Takemichi was as red as a tomato. 

Hakkai looked so different from two years ago. He grew out his hair!

"Are you sick or something?" Hakkai asked, concerned.

Takemichi awed in adoration, as he saw how worried Hakkai looked for him.

"Or did you already fall for me." He laughed. 

Adoration turned into embarrassment.

"Don't be so cocky, Hakkai!" Akkun scolded and hit Hakkai with a textbook from his backpack. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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